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ARRL Letter


The ARRL Letter
Vol. 23, No. 33
August 20, 2004


* +ARRL goes to bat for Arizona hams
* +Ham radio makes a difference in Charley's aftermath
* +Astronaut craves fried chicken in space
* +Northern California ARES teams muster for fire duty
* +More time to comment on "omnibus" Part 97 rule making
* +FCC taps radio amateur for key Wireless Bureau post
* +FCC formalizes emergency communications declaration policy
* +Southwestern Division Convention to invoke Goldwater spirit
*  Solar Update
     This weekend on the radio
     ARRL Certification and Continuing Education course registration
     Hams assist hospital after telephone outage
     IEEE honors Tony England, W0ORE
     California State Fair special event set
     New Zealand-Fiji LF/HF contact reported
     First YA-North America 6-meter contact reported

+Available on ARRL Audio News



The ARRL has asked the FCC to immediately shut down a broadband over power
line (BPL) field trial in the Cottonwood, Arizona, area because it's
causing "severe interference" to Amateur Radio communication. Electric
Broadband LLC and utility APS have been operating the BPL experiment at
two Yavapai County sites since June under a Special Temporary
Authorization (STA) the FCC granted Electric Broadband in March. Michael
Kinney, KU7W, filed the first Amateur Radio complaint in June. It cited
testing by the Verde Valley Amateur Radio Association (VVARA)
<> in the 1.8-30 MHz range to show that BPL
interference made attempts at ham radio communication useless.

"The interference on typical Amateur Radio equipment shows received
undesired signal levels in excess of 60 dB over S9 on the receiver's
signal strength meter," ARRL General Counsel Chris Imlay, W3KD, told FCC
officials on the League's behalf. "The utility and Electric Broadband were
contacted, and no response was received." The ARRL asserted that both
companies are aware that the BPL field trial has been causing harmful
interference and "neither has taken any steps to either resolve it or
terminate the test."

The League said VVARA and ARRL testing indicates "extremely high" levels
of radiated RF energy on amateur HF allocations--well in excess of the FCC
Part 15 levels with which Electric Broadband told the FCC it would comply.
VVARA testing revealed "actual harmful interference" from the BPL system
to mobile stations in the vicinity and to a fixed station.

The League's shutdown request went out August 16 to FCC Enforcement Bureau
Chief David Solomon and Deputy Office of Engineering and Technology Chief
Bruce Franca.

ARRL called on the FCC to instruct Electric Broadband and APS to shut down
the BPL trial immediately and not resume operation until it can
demonstrate that all interference issues have been resolved. It also
insisted that the FCC immediately revoke any STAs granted for the
Cottonwood or nearby operations, and that it institute forfeiture
proceedings against the two companies for knowingly causing harmful

VVARA submitted a lengthy and comprehensive report to the two companies
and to the Commission in late July detailing the interference issues. The
club took baseline measurements in January, before the BPL trial began,
and it's continued taking measurements since the system's startup. ARRL
Lab Manager Ed Hare, W1RFI, conducted independent tests of the Cottonwood
BPL system in July, and the League attached a summary of his findings to
its letter.

The VVARA and ARRL measurements, the League said, indicate widespread
interference to Amateur Radio communication in an area within a mile of
the BPL field trial, and radiated emissions from BPL modems at levels
"several orders of magnitude higher" than the FCC Part 15 limits. One ARRL
measurement cited was more than 32 dB higher than Part 15 allows. The
League further accused Electric Broadband of misrepresenting facts to the
Commission by saying it would comply with §15.109 of the FCC's rules.

The ARRL said continued operation of the system while violating the
conditions under which the STA was granted constitutes "willful and
repeated interference," and both the utility and the BPL provider should
be subject to fines as a result.

"ARRL requests that this test station be shut down immediately and that
the appropriate monetary forfeitures be imposed against both Electric
Broadband and APS," the League concluded.


Once again, Amateur Radio has proven its value in an emergency. With
conventional telecommunication systems unreliable and power still out
after the Category 4 Hurricane Charley blasted across the Florida
Peninsula August 13, Amateur Radio has proven to be a communication

"The only reliable communication we have here is Amateur Radio," ARRL West
Central Florida Section Manager Dave Armbrust, AE4MR, told ARRL earlier
this week. He was one of the three dozen ARES volunteers at the Charlotte
County command post. "We're out in the field trying to handle so many
different things that it's almost overwhelming," he said five days into
the activation.

By week's end, the need for additional ARES volunteers in the Hurricane
Charley relief and recovery effort had stabilized. Communications and
Warning Officer John Fleming, WD4FFX, of the Florida Division of Emergency
Management (FDEM) told ARRL that ham radio volunteers already on duty in
the five most severely affected counties were holding their own in
maintaining necessary emergency communication. But he advised Amateur
Radio volunteers to remain at the ready, just in case, and recommended
that ARES teams, clubs and individuals work through their ARES Section
Emergency Coordinator.

The FDEM says Hurricane Charley caused two dozen deaths and nearly 4000
injuries, and almost a quarter-million residents were still without power
at week's end. Other reports indicate that as many as 10,000 homes were
badly damaged or destroyed.

The most severely stricken communities are in largely rural areas of
western and central Florida made up of smaller towns. Among other storm
relief duties, hams have been part of an effort to check on residents and
determine what they need and to "make sure everyone's okay," Armbrust

Amateur Radio operators have been handling emergency traffic and assisting
the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in setting up HF
communication to the state emergency operations center in the capital of
Tallahassee. ARES also has provided communication for search-and-rescue
teams and supported American Red Cross and The Salvation Army humanitarian
relief efforts.

In addition, ARES operators handled outgoing health-and-welfare traffic
from storm victims now taking refuge in shelters, provided or supplemented
public safety communication and even took on some dispatching duties.
Amateur Radio volunteers also deployed to hospitals, some of which have
experienced spotty communication. Several VHF and UHF repeaters have been
buzzing with emergency traffic all week.

Armbrust emphasized that Hurricane Charley cut a broad swath across
Florida, and the devastation was widespread. "This looks like a war zone,"
he remarked. Hot, humid weather has aggravated the relief effort,
especially for emergency medical service personnel who not only are
dealing with storm-related health issues but with those resulting from the

ARES teams from Florida Miami-Dade, Martin, St Lucie, Broward, Okeechobee
and Palm Beach counties deployed to relieve or assist the amateur
operators on duty in the affected communities.

In Sarasota County, Ron Wetjen, WD4AHZ, has been working at the county EOC
and assigning volunteers to assist in neighboring Charlotte County, where
Armbrust has been holding down the fort.

"We've had offers of help from guys in Montana, Ohio, and New York!"
Wetjen said August 19. "We have a couple from Tennessee here now, with two
more on the way for the weekend."

The Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) on 14.265 MHz
spent nearly five days in continuous operation. It's also used Amateur
Radio for its logistical communications. The Salvation Army has been
providing meals, household necessities and other assistance to residents
displaced by the storm and has been relying on its own Amateur Radio
resources. SATERN also has taken on responsibility for health-and-welfare
inquiries, both via Amateur Radio and through its Web site

In advance of the storm, SKYWARN teams were active the Hurricane Watch Net
and WX4NHC at the National Hurricane Center cooperated to gather
ground-level weather data and damage reports.

"It seems as if the Amateur Radio world is listening and waiting to help
when an event such as this occurs," observed SATERN National Director Pat
McPherson, WW9E, "and it's edifying to realize the positive impact of
their dedication to the task of helping others."


Now four months into a six-month tour of duty aboard the International
Space Station, astronaut Mike Fincke, KE5AIT, says he's developed a
craving for fried chicken. Fincke spoke August 16 via Amateur Radio with
youngsters gathered at the Challenger Learning Center at Prairie Aviation
Museum in Bloomington, Illinois. The direct 2-meter contact between W9AML
on Earth and NA1SS in space was arranged by the Amateur Radio on the
International Space Station (ARISS) program. Fincke told the students that
although he misses his family--he has a baby daughter whom he has not yet
seen--and his home, there are some foods that he misses as well.

"Lately I've really been missing some fried chicken, and I don't know why,
because I don't eat it very often on the planet," Fincke said. "But, boy,
what I wouldn't give for a nice box of fried chicken at this time." The
astronauts' diet consists primarily of reconstituted freeze-dried foods,
Fincke explained in another answer, and Fincke said he's especially fond
of the vegetables.

Responding to a question about experiments under way aboard the ISS,
Fincke mentioned that one involved how to use a soldering iron in space.
Although Fincke did not elaborate in his answer during the ARISS contact,
the Science@NASA Web site this week reported a fascinating soldering
phenomenon that Fincke encountered: As the temperature increased, a
droplet of rosin clinging to the outside of a molten blob of solder began
to spin around--seemingly orbiting the solder globule. (The Science@NASA
site includes a video of the phenomenon

Fincke's experiment was part of NASA's In-Space Soldering Investigation,
which aims to discover how solder behaves in a weightless
environment--important information should astronauts need to repair
electronic gear on a long space journey. Fincke also mentioned ongoing
ultrasound experiments to help determine the effects of long-term stays in
space on the human body.

Another youngster wanted Fincke to explain the importance of the ISS.
"What we're really doing is working really hard to explore the future, not
just for you kids but so you and your kids and your kids' kids can all
have a better future," he said. Fincke described humans as "a race of
explorers" and noted that he and ISS Commander Gennady Padalka, RN3DT,
were "the only two human beings not on the planet right now."

Near the contact's conclusion, the Challenger Center's Director Janet
Moore took the microphone to thank Fincke for giving the students at the
museum the opportunity to speak with him. "You are truly an inspiration
for all of us," she said.

Fincke exhorted the students to "be a good person, always do the right
thing if you can." He also told the youngsters to study hard and not give
up on their dreams.

"I never gave up on my dreams," he said, "and now every day I'm flying
aboard the space station and I couldn't be happier."

Members of the Central Illinois Radio Club set up the equipment for the
VHF contact, and the club loaned its call sign for the occasion.
Fourteen-year-old Roxie Able, KC9CSV, was at the W9AML microphone for the
contact. She had assistance from Grant Zehr, AA9LC, who served as the
control operator.

ARISS is an international educational outreach with US support from ARRL,


Amateur Radio Emergency Service units in the ARRL Sacramento Valley
Section of Northern California went on high alert this past week as
firefighters continued efforts to contain and control the French Fire.
Located 15 miles northwest of Redding, the French Fire, which broke out
August 14, at one point resulted in the evacuation of French Gulch. As of
August 20, the fire had destroyed 22 homes, caused a dozen injuries and
consumed nearly 13,000 acres of forest lands and vegetation. The
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CDF) was estimating
that the fire would be 90 percent contained by week's end. Sacramento
Valley Section Emergency Coordinator David Thorne, K6SOJ, said he expected
ARES to remain active at least through the August 21-22 weekend and
possibly into the following week.

"If it runs into next week, I may be requesting assistance from the
Northern Nevada District, Nevada Section," Thorne said August 20. The San
Francisco Section--Humboldt County--already was scheduled to send ARES
resources for the August 21-22 weekend.

Mutual assistance was in effect during the week to relieve exhausted
operators, with ARES teams from Butte, Siskiyou, Placer and Nevada
counties deployed to assist Shasta County ARES. District Emergency
Coordinator Richard Cloyd, WO6P is the ARES incident coordinator.

Some 300 area residents evacuated because of the French Fire were allowed
to return August 17. Amateur Radio provided necessary communication at the
shelter for CDF and American Red Cross as well as for local authorities.
At one point, a packet system was set up between French Gulch and the
shelter, located at Shasta College, to provide for more secure

One ARES member noted that CDF "was really relying on Amateur Radio"
because the agency's own repeaters couldn't reach the fire zone.

The French Fire was one of three that ARES teams in Northern California
have had to confront this month. The Bear Fire, which burned over some
10,500 acres, now is considered fully contained and controlled. It
destroyed 80 homes and 30 other structures in Jones Valley. ARES supported
Red Cross Disaster Services with damage assessment and health-and-welfare
support in that incident. Earlier in the month, ARES units assisted in the
now-contained Oregon Fire in Butte County.

The French Fire has led authorities to close Highway 299 between Redding
and Weaverville from time to time. When it's open, a pilot car is leading
traffic through the area.

The ARES response in Northern California drew words of praise from former
Sacramento Section Manager and Section Emergency Coordinator Jerry Boyd,
KW7J (ex-K6BZ). "I continue to be impressed with how smoothly this whole
complex operation is going," he told Thorne in an e-mail. "Please convey
to all the admiration of the former SEC and SM." Boyd now directs the
Baker County 911 Dispatch Center in Oregon.


Because the complete text of the FCC Notice of Proposed Rule Making and
Order (NPRM&O) in WT Docket 04-140 failed to make it into the Federal
Register until August 17, interested parties now will have until September
15 to comment. Released in April, the so-called "omnibus NPRM" seeks
comments on a wide range of proposed Amateur Service (Part 97) rules
changes as well as certain changes to Parts 1 and 2 of the FCC's rules. It
does not deal with Amateur Radio license restructuring or the Morse code
examination requirement for HF privileges.

Among other things, the NPRM&O recommends adoption of the ARRL's "Novice
refarming" plan and proposes eliminating FCC rules prohibiting manufacture
or marketing of Amateur Radio Service power amplifiers capable of
operating between 24 and 35 MHz.

Interested parties may comment on the NPRM via the FCC Electronic Comment
Filing System (ECFS). Click on "Submit a filing." To view filed comments,
click on "Search for filed comments." In both cases, enter "04-140"
(without the quotation marks) in the "Proceeding" field.


The FCC has named Michael J. Wilhelm, WS6BR, of Washington, DC, as chief
of the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau's Public Safety and Critical
Infrastructure Division. The division deals with Amateur Radio Service
issues, and the appointment makes Wilhelm--a League member--the first
amateur licensee in several years to hold such a position within the FCC.

Wilhelm replaces D'wana Terry, whom WTB Chief John Muleta named to be his
chief of staff and associate bureau chief. Terry headed the Public Safety
and Critical Infrastructure Division and its predecessor, the Public
Safety and Private Wireless Division, for six years.

Wilhelm most recently served as the division's deputy chief (legal). In
his new post, he will oversee all policy, regulatory and licensing matters
related to public safety entities, critical infrastructure industries and
private wireless radio services. Among Wilhelm's staffers is Bill Cross,
W3TN, an ARRL member and FCC figure well-known within the amateur

Wilhelm holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Detroit, a
master's from the University of Michigan and a juris doctor degree with
high honors from the University of Florida Law School.--FCC


The FCC has formalized its policy for issuing an emergency communications
declaration (ECD) on Amateur Radio Service frequencies. The policy, which
became effective August 2, states that ECDs will be issued for VHF or UHF
repeaters--if the licensee consents--or on simplex channels in the
60-meter band. The FCC will not entertain requests to specifically
sequester frequencies in other HF bands for emergency traffic only. Past
emergency communications declarations--typically issued during
weather-related emergencies--have put frequencies on 75 and 40 meters off
limits to general use in an affected region.

"ECDs may only be issued after a disaster disrupts normal communication
systems in a geographic area subject to FCC regulation," the FCC said,
citing §97.401(b). Under its provisions, when a disaster disrupts normal
telecommunications systems in a given area, the FCC may declare a
temporary communication emergency that sets forth any special conditions
and special rules stations must observe while it's in effect. The policy
clarifies that the FCC has authority to issue ECDs only for communication
emergencies and not on the basis of anticipated emergencies. It also
tightens up the requirements to request an ECD.

The policy calls for VHF and UHF Amateur Service channels to receive
preference for ECDs. Requests may indicate a specific repeater system,
subject to permission from the repeater's licensee or trustee. On HF, the
FCC says, an ECD may authorize the use of one or two 60-meter channels,
centered on 5332, 5348, 5368, 5373 and 5405 kHz, subject to §97.303(s).
See ARRL's Frequently Asked Questions regarding 60-meter operation
<> for details.

The FCC said frequencies in other amateur bands--where emergency nets
already have been established--may be used during emergencies under the
provisions of §97.101(c). That rule section stipulates that amateur
operators give priority to stations providing emergency communications "at
all times and on all frequencies."

The FCC policy, Emergency Communications Declarations in the Amateur Radio
Service, is available on the ARRL Web site


The ARRL Southwestern Division Convention this year will invoke the spirit
of Arizona native son and US Senator Barry Goldwater, K7UGA. The
convention takes place Friday through Sunday, August 27-29, at the Wild
Horse Pass Resort near Phoenix.

"One of Amateur Radio's most successful periods of congressional action
was during the term of the late Sen Barry Goldwater, K7UGA," says ARRL
Southwestern Division Director Art Goddard, W6XD. "Because all hams have
benefited from Goldwater's legislative support, Convention Chairman Bob
Davies, K7BHM, has scheduled a series of events to recapture the spirit of

Goldwater, who was the 1964 Republican Party presidential candidate, died
in 1998. He was a life member of the convention's host, the Central
Arizona DX Association (CADXA), which has held his well-known K7UGA call
sign since late 2000. Those attending will have the opportunity to operate
a K7UGA special event station equipped with Goldwater's personal Collins
S-Line station.

Not only that, but convention visitors may have the chance to shake
Goldwater's hand and have their pictures taken with him--in a manner of
speaking, that is. Playwright, actor and Goldwater family friend Ben Tyler
will be on the convention floor as Barry Goldwater to greet convention
attendees. "And perhaps 'Barry' will have some advice for us on how to
deal with the challenges of Broadband over Power Line," Goddard quipped.
During the convention, ARRL CEO David Sumner, K1ZZ, will present a BPL

Conventioneers also will be invited to share Goldwater memories or
anecdotes as part of a K7UGA oral history project.

ARRL Emergency Communications Course Manager Dan Miller, K3UFG, will
present a four-hour Amateur Radio Emergency Communications course seminar
during the convention. The seminar will not include the Amateur Radio
Emergency Communications course itself. Convention registrants should
contact Miller <>;;(860-594-0340) to register for the free
seminar and for more information.

In addition to dozens of programs covering nearly every aspect of ham
radio, door prizes, a banquet and a Sunday breakfast, convention
highlights include:

* Presentation of the ARRL Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Award to Jay
Thompson, W6JAY, by ARRL CEO Sumner.

* Discussion of Amateur Radio license restructuring by ARRL International
Affairs Vice President Rod Stafford, W6ROD.

* An ARRL Forum.

* A free swapmeet (Saturday, 6 AM until noon).

* A Wouff Hong ceremony.

Complete convention information is on the Southwestern Division Convention
Web site <>.


Sun gazer Tad "That Lucky Ol' Sun" Cook, K7RA, Seattle, Washington,
reports: Solar flux and sunspot numbers rose this week, with August 13 and
14 being peak days for both. With low, stable geomagnetic indices, HF
conditions were good, and there were no days with notable geomagnetic

Sunspot 649 has rotated off the western limb of the sun, and on August 18
it emitted a large coronal mass ejection. Since it is facing away from
Earth, we are not likely to be affected.

Geomagnetic indices are expected to rise, then decline again over the next
few days. Expected planetary A index for August 20-23 is 15, 12, 10 and
12. Expected solar flux for the same days is 115, 110, 105 and 100.

Sunspot numbers for August 12 through 18 were 140, 160, 111, 98, 68, 63
and 53, with a mean of 99. The 10.7 cm flux was 147.2, 148.6, 149.2,
138.8, 133.6, 135 and 139.9, with a mean of 141.8. Estimated planetary A
indices were 9, 9, 9, 7, 8, 11 and 13, with a mean of 9.4. Estimated
mid-latitude A indices were 6, 5, 6, 3, 5, 9 and 10, with a mean of 6.3.


* This weekend on the radio: North American QSO Party (SSB), the ARRL 10
GHZ and Up Contest, International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend (see
below), the SARTG WW RTTY Contest, the Keyman's Club of Japan Contest, the
SEANET Contest, New Jersey QSO Party and the CQC Summer VHF/UHF QSO Party
are the weekend of August 21-22. JUST AHEAD: The Ohio and Hawaii QSO
parties, the ALARA Contest, the TOEC WW Grid Contest (CW), YO DX HF
Contest, the SCC RTTY Championship and the SARL HF CW Contest are the
weekend of August 28-29. See the ARRL Contest Branch page
<> and the WA7BNM Contest Calendar
<> for more info.

* ARRL Certification and Continuing Education course registration:
Registration for the ARRL HF Digital Communication (EC-005) and
VHF/UHF--Beyond the Repeater (EC-008) courses remains open through Sunday,
August 22. Classes begin Friday September 3. Students participating in
VHF/UHF--Beyond the Repeater will explore some of the less well known and
more intriguing aspects of VHF/UHF operation. HF Digital Communication
students will learn to use a variety of HF digital modes. As of September,
the starting day for all C-CE classes, including Amateur Radio Emergency
Communication courses, will move from Tuesday to Friday. To learn more,
visit the C-CE Web page <> or contact the ARRL CCE
Department <>;.

* Hams assist hospital after telephone outage: Amateur Radio Emergency
Service (ARES) and Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES)
volunteers in Maryland helped bridge a communication gap August 16 after
Prince George's Hospital Center in Cheverly--the county's
largest--experienced a near-total telephone outage at around midday. The
Prince George's County Office of Emergency Management called on ARES-RACES
volunteers, under the direction of Prince George's County Emergency
Coordinator and RACES Officer Jim Cross, WI3N, to supplement the
hospital's back-up telecommunications system. The radio amateurs had
support from The Green Mountain Repeater Association's 146.610 and 146.880
MHz repeaters. ARES-RACES volunteers deployed to the hospital as well as
to the county emergency operations center and to two other area
hospitals--Laurel Regional and Bowie Health Center--to provide
coordination and support. "Our people showed a level of dedication to be
proud of," Cross said. WRC-TV, the NBC affiliate in Washington, DC,
reported the ARES-RACES activation and said the outage may have been due
to a computer system malfunction. The hospital's telephone service was out
for about 10 hours.--Murray Green, K3BEQ; NBC4; Chauncy Bowers, N3XOR

* IEEE honors Tony England, W0ORE: The Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has honored former NASA astronaut Tony
England, W0ORE, with its 2004 IEEE Judith A. Resnik Award. The IEEE
recognized England for "significant contributions to the development and
application of spaceborne microwave radiometry to remote sensing." The
award was named in memory of IEEE member Judith Resnik, an engineer and a
NASA mission specialist who died in the 1986 shuttle Challenger disaster.
England was the second astronaut to operate ham radio from space (the
first was Owen Garriott, W5LFL), when he was a mission specialist aboard
the Challenger in 1985. England promoted using the acronym SAREX for the
Shuttle (later Space) Amateur Radio EXperiment program and using SAREX to
interest youngsters in science and Amateur Radio. (SAREX now is the
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station--or ARISS--program.)
England and Garriott were co-winners of the 2002 Dayton Hamvention Special
Achievement Award.--ARISS

* California State Fair special event set: Special event station N6S will
be on the air Friday, August 27, in front of the Pavilion at the
California State Fair in Sacramento. A group calling itself the Amateur
Radio Emergency Communication Volunteers is sponsoring the event.
Operation will be 40 and 20-meter SSB (on or about 7.250 and 14.250 MHz)
as well as VHF FM simplex (146.52 and 147.555 MHz) and FM repeaters on
147.195 MHz (123.0 Hz) and 145.250 MHz (162.2 Hz). Visitors are welcome.
N6S will QSL all contacts.--Patrick Schamun, N6ARO

* New Zealand-Fiji LF/HF contact reported: Overnight on June 26, ZM2E, a
special call sign being used by the Quartz Hill Radio Club of New Zealand,
completed a crossband 137 kHz CW/7 MHz SSB contact with 3D2KL on Fiji. The
Fiji station was operated by Laurence Howell, KL1X, and ZM2E by Andrew
Corney, ZL2BBJ; Mike McAlevey, ZL4OL, and Bob Vernall, ZL2CA. The path
between Fiji and the station located near Wellington on New Zealand's
North Island is around 2500 km (1550 miles).

* First YA-North America 6-meter contact reported: Well-known EME
enthusiast Lance Collister, W7GJ, of Frenchtown, Montana, recently worked
Bob Sutton, YA1RS, in Kabul, Afghanistan. It marked the first 6-meter
contact between North America and YA. The two stations used JT65A mode via
EME. For Collister, it was DXCC entity number 88 on "The Magic Band."
Sutton logged the first-ever EME contact between North America and
Afghanistan in December when he worked Dave Blaschke, W5UN, on 2-meters.

The ARRL Letter is published Fridays, 50 times each year, by the American
Radio Relay League--The National Association For Amateur Radio--225 Main
St, Newington, CT 06111; tel 860-594-0200; fax 860-594-0259;
<>. Jim Haynie, W5JBP, President.

The ARRL Letter offers a weekly e-mail digest of essential news of
interest to active amateurs. The ARRL Letter strives to be timely,
accurate, concise, and readable. Visit ARRLWeb <> for
the latest news, updated as it happens. The ARRL Web site
<> offers access to news, informative features and
columns. ARRL Audio News <> is a
weekly "ham radio newscast" compiled from The ARRL Letter.

Material from The ARRL Letter may be republished or reproduced in whole or
in part in any form without additional permission. Credit must be given to
The ARRL Letter and The American Radio Relay League.

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The ARRL Letter

The ARRL Letter offers a weekly summary of essential news of interest to active amateurs that is available in advance of publication in QST, our official journal. The ARRL Letter strives to be timely, accurate, concise and readable.

Much of the ARRL Letter content is also available in audio form in ARRL Audio News.

Material from The ARRL Letter may be republished or reproduced in whole or in part in any form without additional permission. Credit must be given to The ARRL Letter and The American Radio Relay League.

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OS X Mail (Mac)

Use the "View/Message/Plain Text Alternative" menu item.


Use the "Message text garbled?" link in the drop-down menu at the upper right of the displayed message block. pine, alpine Set "prefer-plain-text" in your ~/.pinerc configuration file: feature-list=..., prefer-plain-text, ...


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