*************** The ARRL Letter Vol. 25, No. 17 April 28, 2006 *************** IN THIS EDITION: * +BPL study amendment attached to House telecoms bill * +Kevin Martin tapped for new FCC term * +Andamans operation helps slake VU4 demand * +California adopts BPL deployment regulations * +KB0WZA is 2006 Goldfarb Memorial Scholarship winner * +West Mountain Radio to be RTTY Round-UP Principal Awards Sponsor * +European hams hear signal from far-distant Voyager 1 spacecraft * +Long-lost QSL card finds its way back home * Solar Update * IN BRIEF: This weekend on the radio ARRL Certification and Continuing Education course registration Armed Forces Day 2006 military/amateur activities set SuitSat-1 still in orbit Hugh L. Tinley, K0GHK, SK DXCC Desk approves operations for DXCC credit +Available on ARRL Audio News <http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter/audio/> =========================================================== ==>Delivery problems: First see FAQ <http://www.arrl.org/members-only/faq.html#nodelivery>, then e-mail <letter-dlvy@arrl.org> ==>Editorial questions or comments only: Rick Lindquist, N1RL, <n1rl@arrl.org> =========================================================== ==>HOUSE COMMITTEE OKAYS TELECOMS BILL WITH BPL-INTERFERENCE STUDY AMENDMENT The US House Energy and Commerce Committee's version of the Communications Opportunity, Promotion and Enhancement (COPE) Act of 2006 includes an amendment requiring the FCC to study the interference potential of BPL systems. The panel voted April 26 to send the much-talked-about "telecoms rewrite" bill to the full House for its consideration. "Outstanding news!" was the reaction of ARRL CEO David Sumner, K1ZZ. "This is a major victory for the ARRL," he exulted, noting that the amendment "received significant opposition" from utilities. Rep Mike Ross, WD5DVR (D-AR), proposed the amendment, and, with the support of Committee Chairman Joe Barton (R-TX), the committee agreed by voice vote to include it in the bill. A year ago, Ross sponsored House Resolution 230 (H Res 230) <http://www.arrl.org/tis/info/HTML/plc/filings/hres230/HRes230.pdf>, which calls on the FCC to "reconsider and revise rules governing broadband over power line systems based on a comprehensive evaluation of the interference potential of those systems to public safety services and other licensed radio services." "Hundreds of ARRL members who wrote their congressional representatives in support of Rep Ross's H Res 230 helped to achieve this week's success with the COPE Act amendment," Sumner observed. A more-widely reported Internet "network neutrality" amendment to the COPE Act bill was defeated. The measure will get a number next week. A statement released by Ross's office notes that his amendment, which received unanimous committee support, "would guarantee that valuable public safety communications and Amateur Radio operators are not subject to interference." One of two radio amateurs in the US House, Ross said infrastructure-free Amateur Radio, "often overlooked in favor of flashier means of communication," can maintain communication in disasters that bring more vulnerable technology to its knees. Ham radio operators "are often the only means of communication attainable in a devastated area," he said. "I believe it is imperative that the interference potential [of BPL] is thoroughly examined and comprehensively evaluated to ensure that deployment of BPL, which I do support, does not cause radio interference for Amateur Radio operators and first responders who serve our communities," Ross added. The COPE Act BPL amendment adds a section (under Title V) to the proposed legislation that would require the FCC to study and report on the interference potential of BPL systems within 90 days of the bill's enactment. "This puts the House Energy and Commerce Committee on record as having concerns about BPL interference," Sumner said. "If we are vigilant in protecting it against deletion on the House floor--assuming the bill is approved by the House--the BPL language will be included in the legislation that goes on to the Senate." ==>FCC CHAIRMAN NOMINATED FOR NEW TERM President George W. Bush has tapped FCC Chairman Kevin J. Martin of North Carolina for a second, five-year term on the Commission starting July 1. The White House this week submitted Martin's name to the US Senate for confirmation. Martin says he's honored to be nominated for a second term as a commissioner and as FCC chairman. "This is an exciting time of growth and innovation in the communications sector," Martin said in a statement. "I look forward to working with the Administration, Congress, my fellow commissioners and the talented staff at the FCC to provide all Americans with the services and opportunities offered by the best communications system in the world today." Judging by their statements, his three FCC colleagues have confidence in his leadership. Martin succeeded Michael Powell as FCC chairman in 2005. In the meantime, politics reportedly is keeping the FCC from having a full slate of commissioners. In February, the White House nominated Republican Robert M. McDowell of Virginia to fill the still-vacant fifth FCC seat. The Senate Commerce Committee okayed the telecommunications attorney's nomination, but US Senator Mary Landrieu (D-La) reportedly has blocked any of President Bush's non-judicial nominations--including McDowell's--from going forward to a vote by the full Senate. Landrieu is said to be unhappy with the pace of Hurricane Katrina recovery assistance to the Gulf Coast. The situation leaves the FCC split at two Republicans and two Democrats. If the Senate stalemate continues, Martin could continue to serve on the FCC beyond his term's expiration. ==>SUPPLY AND DEMAND: VU4AN ANDAMANS OPERATIONS CREATE A CLAMOR For several days this month, the tiny Andaman Islands became the DX mouse that roared--well, sort of. Just how loudly depended on your position on the globe and fickle propagation. A first-of-its-kind event, "Hamfest - (VU4) India - 2006," made rare VU4 (Andaman and Nicobar Islands) widely available worldwide April 18-25. With activities centered in Port Blair on South Andaman Island, more than 100 VU4AN stations made a joyful noise on several modes and bands. Despite the current ebb in the sunspot cycle, many US radio amateurs were able to take advantage. "They weren't rock-crushingly loud, but they seemed to be making a lot of QSOs in North America," said ARRL CEO David Sumner, K1ZZ--one of the lucky ones. Sumner said he worked VU4 on CW and SSB and noted that some of the stations were spotted quite a lot on RTTY. Sumner expressed pleasure that one of his QSOs was with Bharathi Prasad, operating as VU4AN/VU2RBI. She led the December 2004 VU4 DXpedition that turned into a disaster-communication operation after being cut short by the devastating South Asia earthquake and tsunami. As a result, Prasad and her team won the 2005 ARRL International Humanitarian Award, and she was named Dayton Hamvention's Radio Amateur of the Year. Telecommunication authorities in India authorized the issuance of short-term licenses to some 40 Indian nationals and 70 foreigners. While VU4AN signals were dicey or non-existent in some North American locations, many stations in the US and elsewhere were able to add this rare one to their DXCC total--some on more than one band. According to The DX Magazine's 2005 survey of DXers, Andaman and Nicobar Islands was the 10th most-wanted DXCC entity. This month's massive operation--sponsored by the National Institute of Amateur Radio (NIAR)--may have put a dent in the demand. The NIAR offered certificates for stations working more than four VU4AN stations as well as awards for working the most VU4AN stations in several categories. In addition to operating, several participants delivered presentations at the NIAR gathering that stressed the positive aspects of Amateur Radio operating as well as various technical topics. The intention was to promote ham radio and to invite more-friendly governmental regulation. "This VU4-Andaman Islands project took some eight months from start to finish and involved many hours and financial support by members of NIAR," commented QST "Hows DX?" and The Daily DX Editor Bernie McClenny, W3UR, after returning from the Andamans where he operated as VU4AN/VU3OHA. "Heavy-duty negotiations between NIAR and the many different government branches took place for this activity to happen." McClenny also reported that there are now two newly licensed hams in Port Blair, Andaman. Unless otherwise announced for individual stations, VU4AN QSLs go to Jose Jacob, VU2JOS, National Institute of Amateur Radio, 6-3-1092/93, Raj Bhavan Rd, Somajiguda, Hyderabad 500082 INDIA. ==>CALIFORNIA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION APPROVES BPL REGULATIONS Saying that broadband over power line (BPL) will bring Internet access to "underserved communities," the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has adopted regulatory guidelines for electric utilities and companies that wish to develop BPL projects in that state. While the Commission's BPL guidelines include a requirement to maintain the safety and reliability of the electric distribution system, the state agency has no jurisdiction over radio frequency interference, which received no mention in the PUC's news release. ARRL Laboratory Manager Ed Hare, W1RFI, points out that the utility industry still must meet another tier of federal regulations that govern permitted BPL signal levels and interference issues. "Although this action addresses how BPL operators will be responsible to state regulators, it does not address any of the technical problems with BPL in any way," Hare observed. "Utilities will still have to carefully choose BPL vendors with a proven track record of preventing interference complaints." The CPUC said it wants to foster BPL deployment to solve the "last mile" problem of broadband delivery and to increase consumer choice in broadband providers. "BPL has the potential to bring broadband Internet services to communities who do not have broadband service available today from the telephone companies or cable companies," said CPUC President Michael R. Peevey. One commissioner suggested that BPL faces an uphill battle. "This is a nascent technology with technological, market, and financial hurdles before it," commented CPUC member John Bohn. "By removing unnecessary regulations from its path, we free BPL entrepreneurs to invest and take the risks they want, while protecting ratepayers from any downside." ARRL CEO David Sumner, K1ZZ, said that while the League's concern is with BPL interference and not with BPL's viability in the broadband marketplace, "it's odd to see the California PUC echoing the pro-BPL rhetoric that was coming out of the FCC two years ago and that is so demonstrably wrong today." Sumner points out that BPL has been around for years now, and "after all the hype," the most-recent FCC statistics show no more than about 4000 BPL lines in service across the US. "The California PUC would better serve its citizens by focusing on more capable broadband technologies, such as fiber and wireless, that do not have the potential to disrupt radio communication," Sumner concluded. The policy the CPUC adopted April 27 stemmed from a draft developed by CPUC member Rachelle Chong, a former FCC commissioner. ==>MISSOURI TEEN WINS PRESTIGIOUS GOLDFARB MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Seventeen-year-old Mellissa Ann Meye, KB0WZA, of Camdenton, Missouri, has been named the recipient of the 2006 William R. Goldfarb Memorial Scholarship, the ARRL Foundation Scholarship Committee has announced. Meye is the first young woman to receive this generous award. Licensed in 1996, Meye has actively promoted Amateur Radio in her community, was instrumental in establishing the Osage Amateur Radio Club at her school and serves as the club's president. "The establishment of this club took many hours of work and convincing the school administration of its value," said Lloyd Wood, N0GYE, who recommended Meye's selection. "Mellissa was so successful in convincing school personnel of Amateur Radio's value that the high school principal and some of the faculty members are presently studying to take their exams." The terms of reference of the generous Goldfarb scholarship award require that recipients demonstrate financial need and significant involvement with Amateur Radio, in addition to high academic performance. "Ms Meye meets or exceeds all of our criteria," the selection committee said. A high school senior and General-class licensee, Meye ranks sixth in a class of 132 pursuing an advanced academic diploma course of study. She plans to attend the University of Missouri-Rolla to study petroleum engineering. Amateur Radio runs in the Meye family. Her father David is KL7QW. Beyond her academic accomplishments, Meye sports a well-balanced and impressive list of extracurricular and community activities. She's a member of her school's advanced concert chorale, Science Research Team, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and the Future Business Leaders of America. She also has participated in the Upward Bound Math and Science Program held summers at Northwest Missouri State University and was selected two years running. Said one of her church leaders, Robert D. Ashford: "She has led other young women of her age group to be better people and has conducted music for the entire congregation." The William R. Goldfarb Memorial Scholarship is intended to assist a qualified student to obtain a bachelor's degree at an accredited school in one of the following courses of study: business-related computers, medical or nursing fields, engineering or sciences. The four-year award to an active radio amateur is based on outstanding qualifications, need and other funding sources. The Goldfarb Scholarship is the result of a generous endowment from the late William Goldfarb, N2ITP. Before his death in 1997, Goldfarb set up a scholarship endowment of close to $1 million in memory of his parents, Albert and Dorothy Goldfarb. More information on the Goldfarb Scholarship is available on the ARRL Web site <http://www.arrl.org/arrlf/goldfarb.html>. Applications for the Goldfarb Scholarship and other ARRL Foundation Scholarship applications are accepted each year beginning October 1 and ending February 1 for the academic year that starts the following August/September. ==>WEST MOUNTAIN RADIO TO BE PRINCIPAL AWARDS SPONSOR FOR ARRL RTTY ROUNDUP West Mountain Radio, which manufactures the popular RIGblaster digital modes radio-to-sound card interfaces, has generously agreed to be Principal Awards Sponsor for the 2006 and 2007 runnings of the ARRL RTTY Round-Up. During the annual event, which takes place the first full weekend in January, radio amateurs around the globe contact and exchange QSO information using Baudot RTTY, PSK31, ASCII, AMTOR and attended packet operation. ARRL COO Harold Kramer, WJ1B, said West Mountain Radio's participation will provide the events' top scorers with plaques that might not otherwise be available. "We are pleased that West Mountain Radio has agreed to be the Principal Awards Sponsor for the ARRL RTTY Round-Up," Kramer said. "Participation in the ARRL RTTY Round-Up has been increasing every year, and we are grateful to West Mountain Radio for its support. It is particularly appropriate for West Mountain Radio to associate itself with this operating event because of its continuing commitment and technical contribution to digital communication and support of this interest group." West Mountain Radio will be Principal Awards Sponsor for all unsponsored plaques for the events. West Mountain Radio's Dan Gravereaux, N1ZZ, said he hopes the cooperative arrangement will help to spur more interest in digital mode contesting and operating. "We are delighted to be the Principal Awards Sponsor," he commented. "We at West Mountain Radio have worked very hard to make RTTY and other digital modes more accessible to the Amateur Radio community." Gravereaux says he believes the League, the various digital-mode software developers and his company have made an effort to promote more exciting modes and "to keep ham radio really fun," and he sees West Mountain Radio's participation as Principal Awards Sponsor an extension of that activity. RTTY Round-Up plaques will go to the top-scoring low and high-power entrants in each overall contest category within each ARRL Division and Canada. Entry categories include single-operator low power and high power and multioperator single-transmitter, low power and high power. Plaques that West Mountain Radio is underwriting will bear the company's logo, as will all contest certificates sent to contest category winners. Other plaques already are underwritten by clubs, individuals or other organizations. Based in Norwalk, Connecticut, West Mountain Radio <http://www.westmountainradio.com/> produces several RIGblaster models for operating digital modes with a computer. It also makes the RIGrunner for distributing 12 V dc power, PWRgates for emergency backup, RIGtalk for rig control, and CBAs for battery testing. Gravereaux says the West Mountain Radio team plans to be on the air for the ARRL RTTY Round-Up next January using the company's K1WMR club station call sign. ==>EUROPEAN HAMS HEAR SIGNALS FROM THE EDGE OF SPACE Hams in Germany and Portugal reportedly have received signals from the US Voyager 1 spacecraft <http://voyager.jpl.nasa.gov/> in March and April. On March 31, AMSAT-DL (Germany) radio amateurs at the Institute for Environmental and Future Research (IUZ) at Bochum Observatory used a 20-meter radio telescope dish to detect Voyager 1's 8.4 GHz signal. Using Doppler shift and sky positioning, the German team received the signal from a distance of 8.82 billion miles (14.7 billion km)--nearly 100 times the distance from the sun to Earth. This is the first recorded reception of signals from Voyager 1 by radio amateurs. Members of the AMSAT-DL/IUZ team included Freddy de Guchteneire, ON6UG, James Miller, G3RUH, Hartmut Paesler, DL1YDD, and Achim Vollhardt, DH2VA/HB9DUN. Assisting were Theo Elsner, DJ5YM of IUZ, and Roger Ludwig of Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), as well as the Deep Space Network (DSN) tracking station in Madrid, Spain. Luis Cupido, CT1DMK, in Portugal reported April 15 that he spent "two nights without sleep" to hear Voyager I at his QTH using a 5.6-meter dish. To detect the signal, Cupido says he had to acquire and integrate spectrograms over an extended period. "I did several acquisition periods of 15 minutes (900 s), the minimum I would expect to see something," he said on his Web site <http://w3ref.cfn.ist.utl.pt/cupido/dsn.html>, noting that any longer time period would be incompatible with his Doppler-shift correction scheme. "The receiver is operated at fixed frequency, and the Doppler variation was corrected by skewing successive spectrograms in software while accumulating [images]." He based positive identification of Voyager 1's signal on the fact that signal is "only visible for the right skew amount that corresponds to the Doppler variation as predicted by the relative velocity calculation." Voyager 1 was launched in September 1977 to conduct close-up studies of Jupiter and Saturn, Saturn's rings and the larger moons of the two planets. Designed to last only five years, the probe is expected to send back astronomical information to NASA and JPL until at least 2020. Voyager 1 will study ultraviolet sources among the stars, and its fields and particles instruments will continue to search for the boundary between the sun's influence and interstellar space. ==>NON-DELIVERABLE CARD REMAINS IN "QSL LIMBO" FOR 50 YEARS George Hitz, W1DA, of Sudbury, Massachusetts, can finally account for one of his QSL cards--one he sent in 1956. While a newly licensed teenager living in DeLand, Florida, Hitz, then KN4DPI, fired up his Johnson Viking Adventurer transmitter and made contact with Dave, KN6MSI, on 40 meters. Like a good operator, Hitz sent off a QSL card, addressed only to "Amateur Radio--KN6NMI, Chief Op Dave, Address Unknown, Riverdale, Calif." This turned out to be David Leaven, later WI6J, who became a Silent Key in 2003. "I was 14, and like me, Dave was a new ham, and he wasn't in the call book," Hitz told ARRL. "I hoped there would be someone at the Riverdale post office that would know who Dave was, and it would get to him." But Hitz made one mistake: he addressed the card to Riverdale instead of to Dave's actual QTH, Riverside. That simple error left the card sitting in QSL limbo from 1956 until now. "In 1956, I was just a Novice operator with a primitive station and even more primitive operating skills," Hitz explained. "Back then, with my radio built from a kit and my BC-348 World War II Army Air Corps surplus receiver and a 60-foot long wire antenna that was 15 feet high, California, was like a whole other country. And I needed that California QSL!" Hitz had put a return address on his card, but for reasons perhaps best known to the US Postal Service, it finally was returned to his former Florida address in early April. It turned up in the mailbox of Mack McCormick, a nonham now living in Hitz's childhood home. "The card apparently has been in the 'Twilight Zone' for 50 years," McCormick said. "It's not wrinkled or anything." McCormick offered to return the card to Hitz, but Hitz declined. "What would I do with it?" he said. "I understand the guy who found it is going to frame it and place it on his coffee table!" The story of the long-lost QSL card received worldwide attention. "The press has run wild with this," Hitz said. "I heard this story has been in newspapers in India, Iceland, Ireland--all over the world, over 100 countries! It's almost like I could have DXCC from all the countries that have reported it." ==>SOLAR UPDATE Solar flash Tad "That Lucky Ol' Sun" Cook, K7RA, Seattle, Washington, reports: Geomagnetic conditions were quiet this week in most places, but on April 22 there was a geomagnetic storm at high latitudes caused by solar wind and a south-pointing interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). The College A index in Fairbanks, Alaska, reached 38, and the K index was 7 at its highest. The Mid-Latitude A index for the day was only 10--just slightly unsettled. On April 27 there was a strong, but brief, solar flare from Sunspot 875, but this was not expected to cause major geomagnetic activity. At the time of the flare, around 1552 UTC, X-rays caused a radio blackout of nearly a quarter-hour. Sunspot numbers and solar flux have been rising, and solar flux is expected to remain around 100 over the next week. Geomagnetic conditions may become active again around May 2 and May 6, with a big increase in activity expected around May 10-13 because of similar activity during the previous solar rotation. Sunspot numbers for April 20 through 26 were 30, 14, 15, 24, 38, 33 and 60, with a mean of 30.6. The 10.7 cm flux was 78.7, 76.4, 82.4, 86.7, 92.8, 95.1, and 100, with a mean of 87.4. Estimated planetary A indices were 5, 8, 18, 8, 7, 5 and 5, with a mean of 8. Estimated mid-latitude A indices were 3, 6, 10, 8, 4, 1 and 2, with a mean of 4.9. __________________________________ ==>IN BRIEF: * This weekend on the radio: The North America High Speed Meteor Scatter Spring Rally is April 29 until May 7. The SBMS 2 GHz and Up World Wide Club Contest, the Helvetia Contest and the Alabama QSO Party are the weekend of April 29-30. JUST AHEAD: The AGCW QRP/QRP Party and the RSGB 80-meter Club Championship (SSB) are May 1. The ARS Spartan Sprint is May 2. The Thursday NCCC Sprint Ladder is May 5 UTC. The New England, Seventh Call Area and Indiana QSO parties, the MARAC County Hunter Contest (CW), the 10-10 International Spring Contest (CW), the Microwave Spring Sprint, and the ARI International DX Contest are the weekend of May 6-7. The RSGB 80-meter Club Championship (Data) is May 10. The Thursday NCCC Sprint Ladder is May 12 (UTC). See the ARRL Contest Branch page <http://www.arrl.org/contests/> and the WA7BNM Contest Calendar <http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/index.html> for more info. * ARRL Certification and Continuing Education course registration: Registration remains open through Sunday, May 7, for these ARRL Certification and Continuing Education (CCE) Program on-line courses: Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Level 2 (EC-002), Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Level 3 (EC-003), Antenna Modeling (EC-004), HF Digital Communications (EC-005), VHF/UHF--Life Beyond the Repeater (EC-008), and Radio Frequency Propagation (EC-011). Classes begin Friday, May 19. To learn more, visit the CCE Course Listing page <http://www.arrl.org/cce/courses.html> or contact the CCE Department <cce@arrl.org>. * Armed Forces Day 2006 military/amateur activities set: The US Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard will cosponsor the annual military/Amateur Radio communications tests Saturday and Sunday, May 13-14 t56th Armed Forces Day. Although the actual Armed Forces Day is Saturday, May 20, the Armed Forces Day on-the-air activities will take place earlier, to avoid conflicts with those who might be attending Dayton Hamvention, May 19-21. The annual activity features traditional military-to-amateur crossband (ie, hams transmit on amateur frequencies and receive military stations on nearby military channels) SSB voice tests and copying the Secretary of Defense's annual Armed Forces Day message via digital modes (RTTY, PACTOR, AMTOR, PSK-31 and MT63). "These tests give Amateur Radio operators and Short Wave Listeners an opportunity to demonstrate their individual technical skills and receive recognition from the Secretary of Defense and/or the appropriate military radio station for their proven expertise," the US Armed Forces Day announcement says. QSL cards will be provided to those making contact with military stations. Commemorative certificates will be awarded to those receiving and copying without error the digital Armed Forces Day message from the Secretary of Defense. The tentative schedule of on-the-air events--including a list of participating stations, the Secretary of Defense's message transmission schedule and more information--is available on the US Army MARS Web site <http://www.netcom.army.mil/mars/news/ARMED%20FORCES%20DAY%20(2006).doc>. The schedule is subject to change without notice. * SuitSat-1 still in orbit: Tossed into orbit three months ago from the International Space Station, SuitSat-1 continues to orbit Earth--although its batteries are long since dead, Spaceweather.com reported this week that skywatcher Kevin Fetter videotaped SuitSat-1 as it passed over his Brockville, Ontario, Canada, home (the bright star in the movie is Vega) <http://science.nasa.gov/spaceweather/swpod2006/27apr06/fetter.wmv>. A spare Russian Orlan spacesuit equipped with a voice transmitter, slow-scan TV system, voice recordings and various sensors, SuitSat-1 was the brainchild of the Russian Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) team. From the outset, radio signals from the unusual satellite were very weak due to an undetermined problem. Even so, SuitSat-1 remained in operation for more than two weeks, easily outlasting initial predictions that it would only transmit for about one week. The last confirmed reception of SuitSat-1's voice audio was on February 18. Calling the project "tremendously successful," ARISS International Chairman Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, says SuitSat-1 captured the imagination of people around the world, despite its much-lower-than-expected signal strength. Eventually, SuitSat-1 will sink into Earth's atmosphere and disintegrate in a flash of fire. Another surplus Orlan suit remains aboard the ISS, so SuitSat-2 could be in the offing. * Hugh L. Tinley, K0GHK, SK: QST author and World War II historical figure Hugh Tinley, K0GHK, of Omaha, Nebraska, died April 27. He was 88. Tinley had been suffering from bone cancer. His article, "Riding the Magic Carpet," in April QST about using EchoLink to put hospital patients in touch with one another proved very popular with readers. An officer on the staff of Gen Dwight D. Eisenhower during World War II, Tinley was one of the last surviving individuals to have witnessed the signing of the German surrender documents that ended the war. In 2005, he appeared in an ABC Evening News segment, "Old Soldiers," marking the 60th anniversary of the victory in Europe. Retired as president of Farmers International, he had been a radio amateur for 46 years. During the 1960s, he was an active participant in the Military Affiliate Radio System's "Operation Hello," helping provide phone patches between servicemen in Vietnam and their families. He was a member of ARRL and the Heartland DX Association. * DXCC Desk approves operations for DXCC credit: The ARRL DXCC Desk has approved these operations for DXCC credit: YI9AQ (Iraq), current operation, effective September 21, 2004; D6/WB4MBU (Comoros), operation from May 24 to October 27, 2001; D68JC (Comoros), operation from October 23 to November 8, 2001, and 4W2AQ (Timor-Leste), operation from June 18 to December 17, 2003. For more information, visit the DXCC Web page <http://www.arrl.org/awards/dxcc>. "DXCC Frequently Asked Questions" can answer most questions about the DXCC program. ARRL DX bulletins are available on the W1AW DX Bulletins page <http://www.arrl.org/w1aw/dx/>. =========================================================== The ARRL Letter is published Fridays, 50 times each year, by the American Radio Relay League--The National Association For Amateur Radio--225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111; tel 860-594-0200; fax 860-594-0259; <http://www.arrl.org/>. Joel Harrison, W5ZN, President. The ARRL Letter offers a weekly e-mail digest of essential news of interest to active amateurs. The ARRL Letter strives to be timely, accurate, concise, and readable. Visit ARRLWeb <http://www.arrl.org/> for the latest news, updated as it happens. The ARRL Web site <http://www.arrl.org/> offers access to news, informative features and columns. ARRL Audio News <http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter/audio/> is a weekly "ham radio newscast" compiled from The ARRL Letter. Material from The ARRL Letter may be republished or reproduced in whole or in part in any form without additional permission. Credit must be given to The ARRL Letter and The American Radio Relay League. ==>Delivery problems (ARRL member direct delivery only!): letter-dlvy@arrl.org ==>Editorial questions or comments: Rick Lindquist, N1RL, n1rl@arrl.org ==>ARRL News on the Web: <http://www.arrl.org/> ==>ARRL Audio News: <http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter/audio/> or call 860-594-0384 ==>How to Get The ARRL Letter The ARRL Letter is available to ARRL members free of charge directly from ARRL HQ. To subscribe, unsubscribe or change your address for e-mail delivery: ARRL members first must register on the Members Only Web Site <http://www.arrl.org/members/>. You'll have an opportunity during registration to sign up for e-mail delivery of The ARRL Letter, W1AW bulletins, and other material. To change these selections--including delivery of The ARRL Letter--registered members should click on the "Member Data Page" link (in the Members Only box). Click on "Modify membership data," check or uncheck the appropriate boxes and/or change your e-mail address if necessary. (Check "Temporarily disable all automatically sent email" to temporarily stop all e-mail deliveries.) Then, click on "Submit modification" to make selections effective. (NOTE: HQ staff members cannot change your e-mail delivery address. You must do this yourself via the Members Only Web Site.) The ARRL Letter also is available to all, free of charge, from these sources: * ARRLWeb <http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter/>. (NOTE: The ARRL Letter will be posted each Friday when it is distributed via e-mail.) * The QTH.net listserver, thanks to volunteers from the Boston Amateur Radio Club: Visit Mailing Lists@QTH.Net <http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/letter-list>. (NOTE: The ARRL cannot assist subscribers who receive The ARRL Letter via this listserver.)