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Antennas, feed lines, baluns and antenna tuners

This forum area is for discussions or Q&A related to antennas, feed lines, baluns, antenna tuners and antenna support structures, etc.

Topic Author Created Posts Views Activity
Open Basement Antenna N8TTX Sep 7th 2013, 08:19 2 6,011 on 7/9/13
by N8TTX
Open Rohn H50 Telescoping Mast K3DRJ Aug 5th 2015, 19:12 3 5,999 on 6/8/15
by K3DRJ
Open tvi WD9DMM Aug 23rd 2013, 17:43 2 5,992 on 23/8/13
by W1MG
Open Adding More Directors to a Yagi Antenna K1AWC Feb 6th 2019, 15:38 2 5,980 on 6/2/19
by W1VT
Open Multiple wire antennas L_S_Long3 Oct 15th 2013, 23:42 3 5,976 on 17/10/13
by L_S_Long3
Open duplex vs diplex KM4EON Jul 17th 2019, 06:06 3 5,971 on 17/7/19
Open Auto transformer for 160m inverted L v_c_nunn Jan 2nd 2016, 23:18 2 5,968 on 3/1/16
by W1VT
Open 12-17 Meter Dual Band Yagi DataJ Feb 6th 2021, 18:14 3 5,966 on 8/3/21
by DataJ
Open Help with MFJ-1622, APARTMENT ANTENNA, HF, 40M-2M KD5FQF_2022 Jul 2nd 2020, 20:56 4 5,962 on 4/7/20
by W1VT
Open Remote or station tuner KB3FFH Jul 31st 2012, 04:09 2 5,958 on 31/7/12
by W1VT
Open The simple End Feed antenna WA8OPR Aug 26th 2016, 13:53 1 5,958 on 26/8/16
Open Vertical Antenna Question kn4ixt Feb 13th 2019, 19:58 2 5,954 on 14/2/19
by W1VT
Open Ideas for an Antenna in an Apartment with Aluminum Siding WA2FTV Feb 1st 2020, 14:48 2 5,952 on 8/4/20
by W8UA
Open Tune 40 m dipole for Tech QRP CW WA1UKG Dec 10th 2012, 20:14 3 5,948 on 11/12/12
by N0NB
Open Metal plate for a ground plane on asphalt? W7OMM Aug 31st 2019, 13:03 3 5,941 on 1/9/19
by W7OMM
Open Outdoor fiberglass anything N0CHS Feb 24th 2018, 13:28 1 5,935 on 24/2/18
by N0CHS
Open alum. tower 50' can I use anti-seize compound... 1200bruce Jun 13th 2016, 20:04 3 5,933 on 14/6/16
by 1200bruce
Open Electrical Quarter and Half Wave coax length? KR7CM Jul 26th 2019, 17:11 6 5,929 on 29/7/19
by W1VT
Open G5RV Configuration Question Steffen Dec 20th 2013, 23:22 3 5,922 on 21/12/13
by Steffen
Open 450Ω vs 600Ω ladder linr to feed loop antenna using 4:1 Balun WA2FTV Apr 17th 2017, 18:36 2 5,911 on 21/4/17
by W1VT
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