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Antennas, feed lines, baluns and antenna tuners

This forum area is for discussions or Q&A related to antennas, feed lines, baluns, antenna tuners and antenna support structures, etc.

Topic Author Created Posts Views Activity
Open 450Ω vs 600Ω ladder linr to feed loop antenna using 4:1 Balun WA2FTV Apr 17th 2017, 18:36 2 5,935 on 21/4/17
by W1VT
Open G5RV Antenna Question N5ERV May 22nd 2016, 20:45 9 7,424 on 12/5/17
by W1VT
Open feed line length question km5bor May 6th 2017, 18:16 4 5,619 on 19/5/17
by W1VT
Open Tri band yagi KE4SJH Jun 15th 2017, 17:43 1 5,265 on 15/6/17
Open Tyying to understand parallel dipoles. AC2MM Jul 22nd 2017, 14:32 3 5,825 on 24/7/17
by W1VT
Open ATAS-120 KN4DXR Jul 31st 2017, 18:49 1 5,781 on 31/7/17
Open MFJ Dipole whip problem K0FRG Aug 2nd 2017, 18:50 5 5,895 on 5/8/17
by K0FRG
Open Is a Balun needed or helpful - EF Antenna KI7LFD Aug 8th 2017, 17:16 3 5,744 on 13/8/17
Open How figure erp of an ATAS-120 @ 30 watts? 0001490519H80 Aug 22nd 2017, 18:54 4 5,879 on 24/8/17
by W1VT
Open windmill as a tower KD7AXG Sep 24th 2017, 21:48 3 5,703 on 13/10/17
by N8CMQ
Open Power line transformer interference? WA0DOM Jul 17th 2017, 12:34 4 8,170 on 13/10/17
by W1VT
Open Home made mast for inverted 40-80 meter dipole k9zzp Oct 12th 2017, 11:43 4 6,834 on 26/10/17
by k9zzp
Open Using an HF balun on 6 meters? k6ddj Nov 2nd 2017, 13:16 2 5,325 on 2/11/17
by W1VT
Open BiCone Antenna WB2LYL Nov 3rd 2017, 09:27 6 5,640 on 5/11/17
by W1VT
Open Chameleon Mag loop good for NVIS? 0001490519H80 Nov 19th 2017, 13:53 1 6,207 on 19/11/17
by 0001490519H80
Open tilted ATAS-120a work NVIS 0001490519H80 Nov 20th 2017, 13:51 1 6,103 on 20/11/17
by 0001490519H80
Open Is there an advantage to a ten meter rotatable dipole WD4ERM Nov 22nd 2017, 21:11 2 5,297 on 24/11/17
by W1VT
Open Choke Balun for 6 meter. VE2GTN Sep 12th 2017, 19:28 4 8,937 on 26/11/17
by iz5xrc
Open Drone aka UAV to put up stationary antenna? xof7fox Aug 12th 2014, 21:57 9 8,866 on 23/12/17
Open Belden 8214 RG/8U WB4GVZ Oct 17th 2017, 14:43 3 7,250 on 23/12/17
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