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Antennas, feed lines, baluns and antenna tuners

This forum area is for discussions or Q&A related to antennas, feed lines, baluns, antenna tuners and antenna support structures, etc.

Topic Author Created Posts Views Activity
Open corner reflector theory K1ZON Dec 11th 2012, 19:20 6 7,252 on 13/12/12
by aa6e
Open Waste of time K1CPR Jun 2nd 2023, 09:03 4 1,928 3 days, 4 hours ago
by K9YO
Open Yaesu FC-800 autotuner with HyGain vertical K1CPR May 29th 2023, 19:30 1 1,596 on 29/5/23
by K1CPR
Open AV-14AVQ with short M2 K1CPR May 13th 2023, 16:23 1 1,704 on 13/5/23
by K1CPR
Open Single wire end-fed K1CPR Apr 20th 2023, 06:37 2 2,087 on 26/7/23
by W8NI
Open One last attempt to get an answer K1CPR Jun 9th 2023, 18:51 2 1,829 on 26/7/23
by W8NI
Open Ten-Tec 253 Autotuner and FT-840 band data K1CPR Jun 1st 2023, 17:38 1 1,657 on 1/6/23
by K1CPR
Open Antenna Tuners K1BBB Apr 1st 2014, 16:02 3 7,168 on 24/7/14
by K1BBB
Open Antenna for 10m contest K1BBB Mar 4th 2014, 13:16 3 6,159 on 4/3/14
by K1BBB
Open Short vertical built for one frequency K1BBB Jan 16th 2017, 15:29 1 5,137 on 16/1/17
by K1BBB
Open Newbie with hand built 10m dipole K1BBB Feb 18th 2014, 13:45 6 5,983 on 19/2/14
by K1BBB
Open Short vertical built for one frequency K1BBB Jan 16th 2017, 15:29 2 5,336 on 16/1/17
by W1VT
Open_hot 2 Meter Slot-Cube Antenna (QST Jan 2019)
Pages: [ 1, 2, 3 ]
K1AWC Dec 9th 2018, 13:19 41 21,835 on 28/1/24
by jimvw57
Open Adding More Directors to a Yagi Antenna K1AWC Feb 6th 2019, 15:38 2 5,709 on 6/2/19
by W1VT
Open Gamma Match Location/Length K1AWC Mar 9th 2019, 16:42 1 5,420 on 9/3/19
by K1AWC
Open Flip Antenna Phase? K0WUQ Feb 14th 2022, 23:55 6 4,540 on 16/2/22
by W1VT
Open Proper Grounding of Coaxial Feed? K0WUQ Feb 2nd 2022, 15:26 1 4,073 on 2/2/22
by K0WUQ
Open Dipole Construction K0SCO Jan 9th 2013, 16:36 3 5,181 on 10/1/13
by K0SCO
Open MFJ Dipole whip problem K0FRG Aug 2nd 2017, 18:50 5 5,604 on 5/8/17
by K0FRG
Open antenna director and reflector judeg Jun 3rd 2012, 01:52 2 6,988 on 7/6/12
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