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Antennas, feed lines, baluns and antenna tuners

This forum area is for discussions or Q&A related to antennas, feed lines, baluns, antenna tuners and antenna support structures, etc.

Topic Author Created Posts Views Activity
Open Remote Antenna KZ6B Mar 14th 2014, 21:40 5 5,685 on 19/3/14
by KZ6B
Open Waste of time K1CPR Jun 2nd 2023, 09:03 5 2,266 on 17/8/24
Open MFJ Dipole whip problem K0FRG Aug 2nd 2017, 18:50 5 5,870 on 5/8/17
by K0FRG
Open ARRL Antenna Book OCF dipole & 4nec2 gordyburdo Apr 10th 2014, 17:08 5 6,516 on 15/4/14
by gordyburdo
Open Necessary for Antenna to be higher than roof? W4CWL Feb 4th 2019, 13:25 5 6,345 on 5/2/19
by W1VT
Open Antenna Field Planning KE0AVC Jun 12th 2014, 02:43 5 5,632 on 12/6/14
Open ARRL EFHW Kit Mod Oct 30th 2022, 23:04 5 3,040 on 1/11/22
Open over the air antenna failure ae9de Aug 21st 2018, 22:10 5 5,712 on 24/8/18
Open Get Lines Out of the House N4DCT Sep 15th 2015, 01:27 5 5,516 on 7/10/15
by N4DCT
Open Dielectric Grease in Feed Line Connectors KC2SVQ Jan 31st 2013, 19:08 5 8,359 on 17/7/13
by kf7jck
Open Mobile Antennas and mobile.exe KQ4B Jul 24th 2011, 16:40 5 9,684 on 31/7/11
by KQ4B
Open Antenna power limits KB9YNC Sep 26th 2012, 01:34 5 6,140 on 28/9/12
Open Antenna launchers WB7AEA Sep 8th 2020, 15:57 5 5,345 on 14/10/20
Open End fed wire antenna ... workable?? N0CHS May 2nd 2018, 20:11 5 7,673 on 1/10/18
by W1AAF
Open Need 2M antenna for attic KD8SCX Jul 12th 2012, 17:11 5 6,795 on 24/6/13
by kg7cbj
Open Grounding Antenna kd9bvr Jul 21st 2015, 20:57 5 5,276 on 22/7/15
by W1VT
Open feedline in pvc K7WXW Dec 12th 2016, 20:49 5 5,312 on 16/12/16
by aa6e
Open Are mag loops for real or hype? 0001490519H80 Dec 17th 2016, 20:23 5 6,713 on 20/12/16
by 0001490519H80
Open 4NEC Model of droopy 1/4 problems KK6QHZ Jun 16th 2015, 23:18 5 5,424 on 17/6/15
Open Questions about line isolator ag7ov Aug 4th 2018, 20:58 5 6,384 on 7/8/18
by ag7ov
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