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Antennas, feed lines, baluns and antenna tuners

This forum area is for discussions or Q&A related to antennas, feed lines, baluns, antenna tuners and antenna support structures, etc.

Topic Author Created Posts Views Activity
Open 300 ohm folded dipole KD8VLY Feb 16th 2014, 20:15 3 7,180 on 24/2/14
Open Antenna for 10m contest K1BBB Mar 4th 2014, 13:16 3 6,418 on 4/3/14
by K1BBB
Open Balun: top or bottom of ladder line? K7RMA Mar 4th 2014, 01:00 3 7,679 on 4/3/14
by K7RMA
Open G5RV on 10 Meters larryt1939 Feb 10th 2014, 01:15 6 6,544 on 17/3/14
by W5BUBH80
Open Remote Antenna KZ6B Mar 14th 2014, 21:40 5 5,685 on 19/3/14
by KZ6B
Open revamping antennas Dhp9777@ Mar 24th 2014, 16:33 1 6,338 on 24/3/14
by Dhp9777@
Open G5RV to Remote Auto Tuner KD5DRY Apr 14th 2014, 18:47 4 9,520 on 14/4/14
by W1VT
Open ARRL Antenna Book OCF dipole & 4nec2 gordyburdo Apr 10th 2014, 17:08 5 6,515 on 15/4/14
by gordyburdo
Open looking at MFJ 31' vertical /portable antenna KB9YUT Aug 26th 2012, 21:15 3 7,718 on 15/4/14
by W1VT
Open Dipole crossing vertical? KO0Y May 2nd 2014, 00:01 3 6,069 on 5/5/14
by KO0Y
Open G5RV vs coax fed dipole KB6G May 4th 2014, 01:50 2 5,662 on 5/5/14
by W1VT
Open Distance two antennas should be apart WV0l Apr 12th 2014, 18:32 3 6,372 on 13/5/14
by N4ZAW
Open open wire feeder, spacing of conductors K7CWQ May 28th 2014, 19:09 2 5,680 on 3/6/14
by W1VT
Open Mast Gounding pwolsko Jun 4th 2014, 12:45 2 5,634 on 4/6/14
Open Antenna Tuner KB3FFH Jun 5th 2014, 14:44 2 5,551 on 5/6/14
by W1VT
Open Antenna Field Planning KE0AVC Jun 12th 2014, 02:43 5 5,632 on 12/6/14
Open Mobile Dual/Multi Band Antenna W5PL Jul 1st 2014, 20:37 1 5,594 on 1/7/14
by W5PL
Open Testing of HT antennas WA2JRG Jul 5th 2014, 20:05 1 5,597 on 5/7/14
Open how to evaluate your antenna tuner QST04/95 dj8ul Jul 8th 2014, 20:08 2 5,123 on 10/7/14
by W1VT
Open two db-224A's on a repeater tower question 0001582470H80 Jul 13th 2014, 01:23 4 7,012 on 14/7/14
by 0001582470H80
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