General Technical Q & A
This forum provides a place for members to ask technical questions and to answer general technical questions of others. There are also specific technical areas for questions and answers, such as RFI and equipment testing.
Topic |
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Important Topics |
How to find answers to many technical questions
W1RFIAdmin |
Jul 26th 2011, 00:03 |
1 |
17,382 |
on 26/7/11
by W1RFIAdmin
Members answering other members' questions
W1RFIAdmin |
Jul 26th 2011, 00:22 |
1 |
16,047 |
on 26/7/11
by W1RFIAdmin
Thanks to all the Elmers here!
W1RFIAdmin |
Aug 2nd 2011, 21:18 |
1 |
15,589 |
on 2/8/11
by W1RFIAdmin
Regular Topics |
Removing Corrosion from copper wire
0007092553H80 |
Aug 23rd 2011, 13:20 |
7 |
11,422 |
on 28/8/11
by W1RFIAdmin
SSTV with the TS990S
0007011205H80 |
May 17th 2016, 21:33 |
1 |
6,205 |
on 17/5/16
by 0007011205H80
Installing HF Antenna on 2009 Corvette?
0006057334H80 |
Jul 24th 2011, 18:48 |
6 |
9,508 |
on 29/7/11
by k9kuz
Lotw stalled?
0006036508H80 |
Sep 12th 2014, 15:01 |
1 |
6,277 |
on 12/9/14
by 0006036508H80
Kenwood TR 700A microphone pinout needed
0001841015H80 |
Jul 22nd 2011, 13:16 |
2 |
10,760 |
on 22/7/11
by W1VT
Running radio with ALS (Lou Gehrig disease
0001691146H80 |
Jan 30th 2020, 13:42 |
2 |
6,409 |
on 30/1/20
by W1VT
Longwire 600 ohm terminating resistor HB
0001582470H80 |
Aug 5th 2012, 22:23 |
2 |
9,029 |
on 6/8/12
by W0BTU
6m SSB w/300 ohm feedline and a TV balun
0001582470H80 |
Mar 2nd 2012, 01:29 |
1 |
8,661 |
on 2/3/12
by 0001582470H80
tuning antenna
0001529375H80 |
May 20th 2016, 20:35 |
1 |
7,272 |
on 20/5/16
by 0001529375H80
0001529375H80 |
May 9th 2017, 20:32 |
3 |
7,134 |
on 10/5/17
by 0001529375H80
0001529375H80 |
Jun 21st 2016, 01:33 |
3 |
8,778 |
on 8/8/22
by W1VT
0001529375H80 |
Jul 13th 2016, 15:02 |
2 |
7,400 |
on 13/7/16
by W1VT
tuning antenna
0001529375H80 |
May 20th 2016, 20:35 |
2 |
7,426 |
on 21/5/16
by W1VT
Transmit frequency
0001529375H80 |
Jan 1st 2018, 15:33 |
2 |
7,534 |
on 1/1/18
by W1VT
0001529375H80 |
Apr 30th 2016, 15:49 |
2 |
7,135 |
on 3/5/16
by N5SMO
0001529375H80 |
May 8th 2017, 15:26 |
3 |
7,784 |
on 16/5/17
by 0001490519H80
Yaesu-857 ALC meter no response on SSB
0001490519H80 |
Jul 5th 2016, 16:35 |
5 |
6,986 |
on 6/7/16
by 0001490519H80
Ham radio repair?
0001490519H80 |
May 23rd 2018, 14:37 |
2 |
7,824 |
on 23/5/18
by W1VT
Yaesu vx-6 won't access memory banks.
0001490519H80 |
May 16th 2017, 12:12 |
1 |
7,155 |
on 16/5/17
by 0001490519H80
Yaesu vx-6 won't access memory bank
0001490519H80 |
Jul 5th 2016, 16:30 |
1 |
7,153 |
on 5/7/16
by 0001490519H80
Total Topics: |
606 |
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Total Posts: |
1758 |
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Moderators: |
w1rfi |
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