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QRP/Tent Camping/Day Hiking - NNY

Jan 4th 2014, 19:23

Joined: Today, 15:35
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In search of a QRP/camping/hiking partner.

Hello All,
While I have an AE ticket, I still a novice to mid-level QRP operator. Looking to try to find a partner for QRP, day or two-day and tent camping partner. Currently live on Fort Drum in NY. Feel free to contact me at

Now that that is out of the way: I have two QRP rigs, but the main one is the iCOM 703, with a buddipole antenna system. I use a goal0 (that's goal zero) battery and solar charger for power. I have done backpack QRP stuff with limited sucess. I have done a lot of camping (tent and cabin) which was a wonderful strees relief. I used to do a lot of backpacking and camping. Now I am looking to combine at three. I am planning ahead for when it gets warm. . . I am looking for tips, advice, hits etc along the line of backpack camping (one or two night) with a radio. Clearly there are weight considerations and you have to add in a tent, food, and of course the radio. Having a partner helps big time! Any tips?

I want to try to camp/hike in an area that takes less than four to five hours to drive to; within range of a local VHF/UHF repeater; can use DSTAR and/or APRS for tracking, etc. While I do not yet have a small tent that is truly back-packable, I am searching. I want to do about 3 weekend trips (camping) and a bunch of hiking, stopping, operation, and returning types trips when the snow melts.

Feb 10th 2014, 21:36

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I attempted to e-mail you at the contact provided, but it bounced. I am looking at creating a rig for the same purpose and was wondering what kind of GoalZero set up you had and approximately how much your rig weighed. Would you mind posting a usable e-mail address?

May 1st 2014, 16:24

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I've been combining QRP operation with backcountry backpacking for about 10 years now. My advice is to leave the solar panel and charger at home. Invest in a 14V 6-9 AH LiFePO4 battery which should not weigh more than a pound or two and takes up little space in your backpack. These can be found for less than $50 from shops that cater to RC enthusiasts. Fully charge the battery at home before you leave and you should easily get a weekend's worth of operating out of it, whether the sun is shining or not.

Leave the Buddipole at home too -- it's fine for trips to the park but is too heavy and bulky for backpacking. A 30-36 ft length of 24 AWG wire weighs an ounce or two and takes practically no space in your pack. It will perform as well as or better than the Buddipole. Depending on how effective the antenna tuner is in your rig, you may want to use a 9:1 unun. There are many plans for these on the internet (Google "earchi unun"). I built mine with about $10 worth of parts obtained on eBay.

Mark AI4BJ

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