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policy and renewal

Apr 23rd 2014, 23:41

Joined: Today, 16:09
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ARRL renewal,
I believe I’ve been an arrl member for over a decade. I look forward to QST magazine every month. One of my favorite parts of your web site is the old magazine archive I just love looking at all that stuff.
I have read arrl material that says when it comes to informing the FCC about malicious operators, the FCC is to be contacted through the arrl. I have dutifully done so. I was informed that the reality is this; the arrl is ineffectual in putting a stop to this problem. It was also pointed out that the the fcc is derelict in its duties. Talk about pointing to the obvious. Any one that monitors just some of the bands will see the obvious, communications, sometimes lifesaving radio communications are completely rendered useless by malicious operators constantly and get this for years! Boys the proof is in the pudding. Over a year ago I asked the arrl to do something about this problem, both the malicious and the derelict. And what have I gotten. The obvious, malicious operators continue to operate with impunity mostly the same ones for years. Oh I read somewhere that the arrr wants to help the fcc look better when it makes a tinny once a quarter bust. You know promoting perceived performance. Just take a look at this last qst it trumpets a pathetic effort by the fcc as if it were some great accomplishment. An exception is a weak argument and is one the arrl puts forth. The arrl is all hat and no cattle and the fcc is derelict in it duties. This combination has produced a gigantic fecal matter sandwich that all civil fcc licensed operators have to take a bite out of.
Thanks arrl way to go!

KD7KCP current arrl member.

I’m having problems trying to rectify the oblivious with paying for a renewal.

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