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The ARRL Antenna Book

Dec 8th 2015, 20:23

Joined: Today, 18:17
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Looking to build a few HF antennas. While the Internet is a good source I wanted a hard copy book with designs and construction details. Bought the ARRL Antenna Book 23rd edition. What a waist of money! Initially thought I was looking at the wrong areas I installed the CD. Did a search on "160M" and no joy! did a search on "slopper", and no joy! In case you missed it, what a waist of money!
Dec 9th 2015, 01:13

Joined: Today, 18:17
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Sorry you didn't find what you were looking for. The ARRL Antenna Book for Radio Communications is considered one of the top references for antennas, transmission lines and radio wave propagation. I did a search on the CD for "sloper" and found 8 documents and 78 instances. I also found 3 references in the book index. There were 17 documents and 96 instances for "160 meter antennas." Perhaps you made a spelling error. I would suggest you try again as there is a considerable amount of information on the subjects you were inquiring about.

ARRL Technical Coordinator - Kansas Section

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