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6 meter operation

Jul 1st 2016, 18:58

Joined: Today, 14:01
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Please explain which frequencies as a Technician that I should use with a SSB Transceiver using voice only on 6 meters? I Have heard so much about the Magic Band. Would 50.125 thru 50.300 be correct? Thanks Tom KD9DVP
Jul 1st 2016, 21:30

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The two major modes of interest are SSB telephony and CW so we will concern ourselves with just those two modes. SSB is used from 50.100 to 50.300 MHz. This is broken down into 2 seperate areas, 50.100 to 50.125 MHz is considered the DX Window with 50.110 MHz the DX Calling Frequency. Domestic qso's should NEVER occur in the DX Window. What are domestic qso's? Basically any qso between U.S. stations (lower 48 states) or U.S. and lower tier VE stations. There is plenty of room for these contacts above 50.125 MHz, the domestic calling frequency. Alaska, KL7 and Hawaii, KH6 are considered DX stations.

Zack W1VT
ARRL Senior Lab Engineer
Jul 2nd 2016, 12:24

Joined: Today, 14:01
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Thanks! In your opinion which has the most opportunity for enjoyment and contacts 10 meter or 6 meter?

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