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Solar Array Interference

Solar Array Interference
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Feb 15th 2017, 22:36

Joined: Today, 18:07
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Are you experiencing interference from a solar array?
Feb 16th 2017, 13:45

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No installations nearby, so no problem yet. It is something to worry about, however. Check the April 2016 QST for K1KP's experience. A quiet installation is possible, if you take great care, but a typical installation is likely to be a problem. I would never take the risk myself (unless the installer could guarantee no RFI), but there's nothing to stop a neighbor from doing it.

You can always restrict operating until after sundown -- or maybe have a kill switch that shuts off the system while you're operating. We need more real-life data on how hams are dealing with these issues!

Good post.

73 Martin AA6E
Feb 26th 2017, 06:40

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I have S9+10 dB noise each day centered at 25 MHz, that makes 12m completely useless, and is also impacting 15m and 10m. This noise first appeared about 2 weeks ago. The noise is constant, and is only present during the day. It stops completely as soon as the sun sets. By rotating my beam, I have traced it to a group of nearby houses, all of which have solar panels, and it appears that at least one of them is a new installation. I'm not sure what my next step should be. I certainly can't enjoy my hobby with this level of noise. I'm kind of at a loss as to whether I should pursue a solution with the homeowner(s), or just try to null out the noise with a phase cancelling unit. Any advice would be appreciated.
73, Roger AC6BW

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