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TP Link and SharkRF Openspot

Oct 30th 2017, 13:38


Joined: Mar 7th 2013, 06:18
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I am a truck driver. Running all over the contiguous 48 states.
I want to use DMR, but Codeplugs are mostly a "local" thing. At most, regional (ie: Ok/TX). But nothing that can be used more than one day before having to change to another to cross another two states.
So, I bought a TP Link router (TL-WR802N) and a SharkRF Openspot.

That's where the problem started. In trying to set up the router to link to my Hotspot on my phone (iPhone7).
I cannot get to the settings page for the router. Continuously get error messages.

With all the videos I've watched, and saw many people set it up 1,2,3, I know it works. I know I MUST be doing some little thing wrong.

Any ideas or suggestions?

I would go so far as to pay a reasonable fee to get someone to set it up for me.
Feb 7th 2018, 03:48


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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I never could get the TP-Link to work so I just plugged the hotspot into my house router. There is a facebook group that talks about shark-rf and they know about tp-1's

Either that or set up a zone for each state and then you can write a code plug with CPS that has the repeaters and a couple of talk groups. I do that. I set up a California zone that has repeater coverage throughout the state with links to NorCal, So,Cal, and California TG's

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