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Mixed mode WAS?

Dec 11th 2018, 16:14


Joined: Aug 22nd 2017, 16:21
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Probably asked before ... so forgive me for not finding it.

I'm in a high-CC&Rs neighborhood and just installed my first HF antenna ... 18 ga end fed half wave wire. I can hear the whole western side of the United States (I'm in Idaho) using SSB... but folks on the east coast are very very faint and no QSO possible - yet? In any case, can I use whatever I must in order to work each state? Phone for Colorado ... FT-8 for Florida? Or if I have to use FT-8 for Florida, should I then use FT-8 for the other 49 states?


Dec 12th 2018, 13:54


Super Moderator

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You can use whatever mode you need to for the basic WAS award.
9) Types of WAS awards:
a) Mixed WAS. Confirmations for QSOs confirmed using any mode or combination of modes. Endorsable with stickers for each band (excluding 60 Meters).

Dec 21st 2018, 12:22


Joined: Aug 22nd 2017, 16:21
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Thank you! My end fed half wave wire, mounted over my house in my neighborhood, is not the best for phone .... not impossible, but not very good. Digital seems best for my situation.

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