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PSK31 bulletins at W1AW

Dec 7th 2019, 01:31

Joined: Today, 15:36
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I like to copy the PSK31 bulletins at W1AW,
6:00PM EST Tuesdays and Fridays. I am at EM75 (East TN). Just a few questions about the bulletin transmission set up at 40 meters (7.095 MHz):

The signal is very strong here. I turn the vol. almost off, the ALC way back, and copy bulletins in the entirety with no more that one or two characters error total.

So, what is your est. ERP, what est. output power, antenna used, pointed est. where (if directional)? Where do you attempt to reach down range with that big signal at that time of day with current low solar flux conditions?
Dec 7th 2019, 13:34

Joined: Today, 15:36
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