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Suggestion 80 Meter Antenna

Apr 1st 2020, 15:15

Joined: Today, 18:47
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Just getting back in to amateur radio and would like suggestions on an 80 meter antenna. I am on 10/15/20 via a 4 element tri-bander supported by a 70 foot tower. I would prefer to utilize the tower for supporting the 80 meter antenna (wire) as I have a 4 input antenna switch mounted at the top.
Apr 2nd 2020, 07:02

Joined: Today, 18:47
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I'd suggest a half wave dipole supported at the center by the tower. It can be bent into an inverted Vee to use available supports. Feed it with coax to an antenna switch. A choke balun would be useful for getting rid of common mode noise. I'd use 17 turns of RG-400 Teflon coax on an FT-240-43 core.
You may be able to add wires for 40M with minimal interaction if they are offset by 15 degrees or more.

Zak Lau W1VT
ARRL Senior Lab Engineer

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