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Virtual Meetings

Apr 6th 2020, 11:59

Joined: Today, 16:23
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With the current “shelter-in-place” virus situation, we’ve been asked to not gather in groups. Following that advise, our radio club is considering a teleconference meeting for at least our April meeting. We are considering 20 to 25 persons as participants. Looking at some possibilities for free video conferencing, there seems to be several choices.
I am interested to know if other groups/clubs have used teleconferencing for meetings et al. What have you used, would you recommend your approach, and pro and cons of the app.?
If the ARRL has investigated any conferencing apps, I’d appreciate knowing your comments also.
Thanks, and 73,
Don, NO4T,
President, Scott County ARES.
Apr 6th 2020, 12:45

Joined: Today, 16:23
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Zoom has been suggested but they have issues with the sudden influx of users and hacking.

It may be a good idea to do some testing beforehand to make sure everyone has the hardware they need and that it is installed properly. Not everyone uses a computer with a headset and web cam.

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