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Shortcuttng the SS exchange

Nov 7th 2011, 20:56

Joined: Today, 14:45
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I worked several stations in the CW SS who were shortcutting the exchange by omitting their callsign. The SS rules clearly show that the station's callsign is a required portion of the exchange. I accepted the broken exchanges as I have in years past but this practice seems to have become more common.

I am thinking that for the phone SS that I will inform the station omitting the callsign that the exchange is incomplete and that they send it again formatted properly. If they refuse I can refuse to log the QSO.

As I see it, this practice needs to be curbed, but only if the rest of us sending complete exchanges apply pressure to those stations doing it incorrectly. If a given station refuses to correct the exchange, then I think we need to note the callsign and report it (them, hopefully not that many) to the ARRL contest manager for action on their log submission.

73, de Nate >>
Nov 16th 2011, 20:13

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I noted this on several QSOs myself. I assume it comes from fololowing the directions on setting up N1MM logger which soes not show the call in the exchange, and they caution you NOT to add it. Andk, If you do add it as I did, the cabrillo file maker will force you to take it out at the end. I couldn't figgure any way to get it sent.... bc/nr4c
Jun 8th 2012, 12:00

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I noticed several CW stations using cut numbers in the exchange--generally not a good idea for SS because they would not be used in traffic preambles. A letter where a figure should be can throw even an experienced operator off rhythm.

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