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Selecting Proper Transistors for IF Amps

Jul 8th 2021, 00:27

Joined: Today, 16:08
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I have decided to build up some IF strips. I've never done this. I would like to see a discussion r.e. choice of transistor (what, aside from Ft determines a good candidate?), and I would like some recommendations of various types (i.e., some BJTs, some mosfets, or other types) so I can look up their specs, and maybe buy some.
Oh, and if there are other comments r.e. IF Amps, I'm interested. Also feel free to PM me at
Thanks, Bob, WB5EMX
Jul 8th 2021, 07:29

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From what I've heard, you ideally want vintage junk box transistors, as their are a lot of counterfeits on today's market. Alternately, you may want to buy in quantity from a reputable electronics distributor.

Sometimes distributors will have great deals on parts they are closing out because they are no longer suitable for use in new designs.
Free parts--just send an SASE with $5 postage!
Feb 4th 2023, 17:36

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RF transistors have evolved forward from the old 2n5109 that was developed for CATV amplifiers. NXP has a series of best transistors with much lower noise and higher frequency response and gain. I prefer their BUF520 for all receiver amplifier applications such as pre amp and if amp. see
If you want more specifics I contact me and I will send a schematic or gerber file for printing a circuit board. AK4VO

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