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ARRL's reach

Nov 21st 2011, 02:54


Joined: Jun 12th 2011, 20:32
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If anyone needed to know how influential the League is, just try listening to 40, 20, and 15 meters this contesting weekend (Nov. 19-21.) I haven't heard a single call that wasn't contest related. While I am not a contest enthusiast, I do have to salute the League and those who take part in contests because 17 and 30 meters were left free of such stuff. Some of ham radio's best ragchewers were on 17 today; I haven't had so much fun in a while!

So while most of the HF bands were entirely given over to the ARRL contest, my two favorites were not. This is evidence of the strong commitment we all have to this wonderful hobby, and evidence of a very influential ARRL. Hats off to everyone!

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