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Portable refrigerator

Yesterday, 07:36


Joined: Aug 31st 2024, 12:41
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When planning a camping trip, I realized that carrying a bunch of ice around is a real hassle. It melts, everything gets wet, and food spoils faster than you'd like. I learned that there are electric models that run on a car or solar panel. Who's already using one? Does it really keep the temperature?
Yesterday, 10:38


Joined: May 19th 2024, 20:40
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Camping with tents calls for coaching, particularly in terms of food storage, and an electric cooler can be a first rate helper on such trips. By cooling meals without the use of ice, it could hold the preferred temperature from zero to 10 °C, which allows you to keep your food sparkling even in hot climate. The refrigerator may be linked to a automobile or a solar panel, so you now not want to search for a socket.

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