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Fox Hunt

Jul 25th 2011, 13:03


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
Total Topics: 0
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I know the Fox Hunt is an event.... or 90 minutes of practice... real time... and in actual conditions... but it isn't a "real" contest. It does keep one "in the game" for the real contests, tho.
Come by, check it out, at 0100z Friday. +/- 10khz of 14.060... it 's the fastest 90 minutes in radio.... (sure I swiped that from someone) Actually we have a lot of fun tracking propagation, and watching the QRPp fellows do it with way less than a watt too... and some of them don't have huge antenna either.
Check out the webpage for more info... thanks to the Colorado QRP Club for webpage space at

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