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Weather Station Equipment

Jun 13th 2012, 03:02

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I have been looking for a good, wired, weather station for my shack. I would like it to be able to interface with the Internet if possible but certainly hard-wired and not wireless. I know our hobby is "wireless" but that technology is too over used for my taste. Many of the wireless remotes use a small solar powered battery backed system and not everyone has been happy in the reviews.

What is everyone using these days? Opinions? Advice?

KQ4JT in Western NY between Rochester and Buffalo
Aug 25th 2012, 00:36

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The Davis Vantage Pro systems (wired and wireless) regularly get good reviews. Internet searches provide a wide variety of pricing. It can be interfaced with the internet. I use the Davis Vantage Vue wireless, purchased in March 2012, and I've been happy with it. It uses a replaceable battery that is charged by a built-in solar panel, and should last a fair amount of time. The only problem I've found is probably typical: the temperature sensor, while inside a white ventilated shield, is easily affected by sunlight falling on it. During those times, the reading is several degrees higher than actual in the shade.
Oct 22nd 2012, 23:25

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I have used Davis Pro wired, and Oregon Scientific wireless, The Davis seems to hold up better in heavy WX conditions, but it also does not like the RF on the property. Almost every time I go on the air the readings go crazy. It is below freezing and this AM the temp register 223F when I was on 17m CW. I shade my sensors with a piece of white roofing metal. The OS wireless rain and base units failed before I got active on Ham Radio so I do not know how it tolerates RF.
Feb 22nd 2013, 09:23

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Walter (KQ4JT) I tried to send you an email but your email address came back. I see there's a Davis Weather Station in Le Roy, NY just wondering if it's yours. We love our Davis Vantage Pro2 wireless and haven't had any RF problems, but I only run 100 watts. If you want more details look me up, I'm good on with my email address. Here's the link to our Davis WeatherLink internet data feed:
73, Mark Pogany - WB8ZTP
Jun 18th 2020, 21:06

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Please let me apologize for not thanking all of you who took the time to reply! All your input is VERY much appreciated!
WB8ZTP thanks for the question and again I am sorry for not checking these responses more often!
Jun 23rd 2020, 10:47

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Walter, our Davis Vantage Pro 2 (wireless) is still doing wonderfully after 8 years in service. The folks at Davis, especially John, their tech is so helpful in any issue you may have. I had an update issue with my laptop and John took care of it in just a few minutes.

The links below are for my station on Davis and Weather Underground. Give a shout out anytime, I’m good on

Mark Pogany WB8ZTP

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