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Favorite Rigs For QRP Contesting?

Jul 26th 2011, 16:29

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Hi folks-

Thought I'd start some activity here in the QRP Contesting forum. So, what rig or rigs do you enjoy for your QRP contesting efforts?

Sean KX9X
Jul 26th 2011, 19:08

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Hi Sean,

I use only my Elecraft K2 for QRP contesting. In CW it's a killer :)

73 and long liove to the Forums,
Jul 27th 2011, 04:22

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Sean -

For Field Day the K2 is our rig of choice. 5 watts, great receiver, easy on batteries. For QRP contests "in the field" it really depends on what bands I want to use and how much weight I want to carry. Most used rigs are the K1, KX1 and ATS-3A or ATS-4. And on those occasions when a mono-band rig for 20 meters can be used, the Norcal 2030 really shines.

Cam N6GA
Jul 27th 2011, 13:54

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Use a Icom 703 with the 500HTz filter here. Run lots of Contests and do well for time spent. I am also well on the way to a DXCC using this rig. Have a WAS also
Jul 27th 2011, 14:17

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I use my Elecraft K1 or my K2 for all of my QRP Contesting. Great radios.
Jul 27th 2011, 16:07

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The best rig which I've used has been a K2. However, since I haven't felt that my ham radio budge can afford one of these, I've been using a venerable but very useful Drake TR-5. It has served me will since 1984 when I won it at the Cincinnati Hamfest. My then 9 year old son pulled the ticket out of the pile! :)
Jul 27th 2011, 17:05

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When I'm in the shack, I use my K2. Out in the field, it's either the K1 or the PFR-3A. Can't wait for the KX3 !
Jul 27th 2011, 19:06

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Haven't had a chance to work much qrp in the field lately, but the Oak Hills Qrp Classic is the rig that I use on 20/40 meters cw @ 5 watts.
Jul 29th 2011, 16:18

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Hi Sean,
Used a K2 up until the time I got my K3. Still love the K2, but you can't beat the flexibility and added features of the K3.
Jul 29th 2011, 20:31

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my choice is the K1, used @ FD and other 'tests.

Ron, wb1hga
"my final is a nand gate"
Jul 30th 2011, 11:34

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Hi Sean,

My qrp contest rig is an FT817. Which I purchased when they first came out. Although not the best rig in the World it is a good compromise including hf, vhf and uhf. I use it /p on my travels throughout the World. I mainly use ssb and psk31. If I wanted a better rig, it would either be the new Elecraft transceiver KX3? or I would build my own. However my homebrew rig would end up in a much bigger box, likely only be hf and take me a long time to build. I have treated my FT817 to a new narrower ssb filter which I hope to use portable in the ARRL ssb Sweepstakes in November.

Best 73's Simon GW0NVN, N1XIH portable 7 Utah qrz sweepstakes
Jul 31st 2011, 13:27

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Appears Elecraft is the manufacturer of popular choice. I may as well pile on as I am a K2 fan though I haven't been on the air in quite some time. Makes me wonder... what pile of stuff is my K2 under?
Aug 1st 2011, 09:30

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I will add my vote for the K1. I use mine for the FISTS Sprints and have had great results.
Aug 3rd 2011, 17:47

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I plan to eventually build a K1, but for now my workhorse is my SGC SG-2020. A bit on the heavy side and not terribly battery friendly for portable use (about 5-6 hours @ 5 watts on a 7AH gel cell), but it's a pleasure to operate.
Aug 31st 2011, 21:49

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Hey, Sean - I use a Ten Tec Argonaut V 516 for contesting AND either an ATS-3B or ATS-4 for backup. The 516 does well and that QSK is so smooth.

72,. Jim Rodenkirch, K9JWV

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