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Parks on the Air activations in Massachusetts

Jul 26th 2011, 19:21

Joined: Today, 17:38
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W1PNS will be attempting initial activations of three Massachusetts state parks over the next several days for Parks on the Air.

If cell towers are in range, I'll spot myself on If not, and you hear me, please spot Pete Spotts on QRPSPOTS (no relation!). ;-)

The schedule, weather willing:

Wednesday, July 27: Halibut State Park near Rockport, MA
Thursday, July 28: Mt. Greylock State Reservation
Sunday, July 31: Mt. Wachusett State Resevation, coinciding with Flight of the Bumble Bees

I should be on the air by 1600 UTC each day, although earlier if the travel elves permit it.

I'll largely be hovering around 14.060 +/- and 7.030 +/- to start. CQ format will be CQ POTA. No numbers will be assigned these parks until their requisite number of contacts have been entered into the log. So here's your chance to get in on the ground floor.

Hope to work you!

With best regards,

Jul 30th 2011, 07:43

Joined: Today, 17:38
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Very interested in this POTA concept, as I break out the battery powered '897 and operate from Bluff Point State Park in Groton, CT on a fairly regular basis during contests and QSO Parties that interest me. If this idea takes off, I'd be willing to 'activate' more often, perhaps even on a set schedule to participate in any proposed award program. Most of my VHF Rover contesting ends up being from various state parks in different grids throughout New England, so there are some real possibilities for multipurpose contacts and more incentive to get out and travel a bit here.... very interesting. Any info you have Pete in joining in and participating would be appreciated. I've already signed up for the Yahoo group you mention, but I can be reached thru the "Call" at forwarding service, also...

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