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Nov 8th 2012, 18:40

Joined: Today, 15:27
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I recently purchased the ARRL book, "Antenna Modeling for
Beginners." I upgraded the software as recommended by running the latest version of EZNEC DEMO. The problem is the section in chapter two describing wire connections does not work. I checked the corrections and errata section and got a different explanation that doesn't work either!
I appreciate some help in figuring out the wire connection problem.


Russ, WA3WFI
Nov 8th 2012, 22:50

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Normally, I just enter in the numerical coordinates, since I think in terms of numbers.

On my version of EZNEC, I hold the mouse pointer over the cell I wish to enter, then left click. I can then enter in an existing end point--I get an error if I plan to define that connection later.

According to the EZW help file, located in C:\Program Files\EZW (Windows XP)

To use the second method, enter W3E2 in the X, Y, or Z column in the End 1 group of the Wire 4 row, then press or move the mouse cursor to another cell.

Since you are using the demo version, you are limited to just 20 segments--you may get an error if you add another wire that puts the number of segments over the limit. You may be able to get around this limitation by decreasing the number of segments in the other wires.

Zack Lau W1VT
ARRL Senior Lab Engineer
Nov 12th 2012, 05:48

Joined: Today, 15:27
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Thanks for the information

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