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Eliminate RF Exposure With Ground ?? Apr 16th 2020, 15:39 3 5,559 on 17/4/20

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Eliminate RF Exposure With Ground ?? K7TET on 17/4/20
I was originally more concerned with irradiating myself (glow-in-the-dark?) with the close proximity to the magnetic loop antenna (even though I was only planning to run 100 watts), but didn't even consider interference generated by the AC wiring in the attic. Thanks for the heads-up on this potential issue! I had planned on laying the grounded wire screen wall-to-wall on the attic floor for my personal protection, which may also attenuate interference from the AC wiring radiating upwards to the antenna? I agree with your test recommendation. Thank you Zak, 73 john
Eliminate RF Exposure With Ground ?? K7TET on 16/4/20
Hello All,

I would like to install a Mazzoni Baby loop antenna ~6' above the peak of the comp roof on my single story home, to be operated at 100 watt max power on HF bands.

Would it be effective to eliminate / lessen RF exposure inside the home by installing a grounded 2" x 2" wire screen throughout the attic floor, which is ~15' below the base of the antenna?

I appreciate everyone's brilliance!

73, john

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