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Old Antenna Articles Aug 19th 2011, 00:32 1 6,953 on 19/8/11

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Old Antenna Articles W9CAC on 19/8/11
I just finished building the 5 element 2 Meter Yagi from a 1999 QST article by K3PF.
Took some work to locate the antenna in the article, but I did find it. As with everything, that $20.00 project now costs about $60.00 adding in everything. But hey, the thing tunes up well and works like a charm. Both on SSB and repeaters.

I like looking at these older articles and building them to see if there are ways to make them better. This one worked just great the way it was. I did use a super sharp miniature tubing cutter to shorten the elements. Also, the antenna I bought required drilling out most of the rivets and replacing them with #8-32 SS stove bolts, washers and nuts.
My next project will be to build a OCF dipole with a hand wound 4:1 balun and a ferrite bead choke to handle 100 watt output for under $75.00 for all parts.
My last project was a G5RV jr for less than $30.00. I also built a 45 foot folded dipole that works on 40-10 meters for under $45.00.
A ham can never have too many antennas.

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