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Tuning a mobile rig. Nov 2nd 2012, 18:47 5 7,597 on 8/11/12

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Tuning a mobile rig. Stan_TheGunNut on 3/11/12
Thank you for taking the time to reply and for the links. I may see if one of my coworkers has the appropriate meters to check things out. I'd hate to mess up a new radio by not having things set up correctly.
Tuning a mobile rig. Stan_TheGunNut on 2/11/12
I am a new ham and have recently purchased a mobile radio to install in my truck. The radio is a Kenwood d710a. I also purchased a Comet 146/440 MHz magnet base antenna. I'd like to ensure the setup is properly tuned prior to using it which leads me to my question. I have a Radio Shack SWR meter that was purchased to tune a CB. Will the same meter work with ham radio or do different frequencies require different meters? Also, how does one go about turning this antenna if tuning is required. It does not appear to be adjustable.

Thanks for your help.

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