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Instructograph code trainer parts Jun 19th 2018, 13:41 1 8,589 on 19/6/18
vintage code practice oscillator repair May 17th 2018, 23:04 1 8,565 on 17/5/18
SO-239 Right angle feed through Oct 17th 2016, 01:40 2 6,063 on 17/10/16

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Instructograph code trainer parts KM4ORN on 19/6/18
Hello all, one of the hobbies that carried over from my days as a firefighter is collecting vintage and restoring vintage radios and associated equipment. I have three of the early Instructograph Code trainers with the spring wound motor drives and I just received an almost pristine AC motor drive model from 1966. This model uses a metal cone on the motor shaft to vary the speed of the tape. The cone rests against a drive wheel made of what appears to be leather pads.The motor is raised and lowered to vary the speed at which the wheel rotates. Apparently the tape drive shaft had not been lubricated and a previous owner had allowed the motor to sit and spin and the cone wore a place out in the drive wheel. does anyone know of a source for replacement parts for these old Instructographs? Thanks and 73's Robert/ Km4ORN
vintage code practice oscillator repair KM4ORN on 17/5/18
Hello all, I haven't been a Ham long but my hobby is collecting vintage code practice oscillators. I have an Ameco CPS, a TAC MS-710PR with a built in J-37 key,an ICA signa-tone 4300 and a couple of Ameco OCM-2's. I am planning to replace the audio transformers in the tube units. There is very little info on these units so I really have no idea what transformer to use.The ICA 4300 uses a 117L7/M7-GT tube and the Ameco uses a 50C5 tube. The transformers are relatively small units that are secured to the chassis top with screws.Can anyone give me some guidance on what transformer would be the best to use? Thanks.
SO-239 Right angle feed through KM4ORN on 17/10/16
Hello all, I am new to Ham and to the ARRL forums so if this is not the correct place for this post, I apologize. I am mounting a modified J-Pole antenna in my attic for a dual band mobile that I am setting up as a base. My plan is to run the coax down the inside of the wall and come out in a low voltage box. I am going to take a blank face plate and drill a hole in it big enough for an SO-239 feed through connector. I don't want to have to make a hard bend in the cable inside the wall to attach to the connector so I am trying to find a right angle SO-239 feed through. I have done some searching online but so far I can't find one. Does anyone know if this item exists and, If so, where can I find one? Thanks and 73's
Robert/ KM4ORN

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