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Alinco 220MHz DJ-V27 repairs Nov 14th 2024, 18:12 1 1,068 on 14/11/24

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Alinco 220MHz DJ-V27 repairs k6nra on 14/11/24
I have six HT's, Alinco DJ-V27's as noted above. The Sacramento County Sheriff's Amateur Radio Program has handed the radios to me. Using RT-Systems s/w I am able to program all the radios. I also rebuilt all of the battery packs.

Of the radios, two seem to work perfectly, using PL's or carrier squelch, transmit and receive. Four of the radios transmit OK but don't receive. When all radios use carrier squelch, three of them will receive a noisy signal when the monitor buttons are held down or the squelch set to minimum, lets the noise come through too. One of them with the monitor button down receives nothing.

I have done factory resets on all radios, they have been tested in default factory mode and with various test frequencies.

These radios are probably not worth repairing, but I like a challenge and haven't given up yet.

What I haven't done, I haven't measured sensitivities. I can't say if it is a squelch problem, PL tones, or an overall sensitivity problem. I have the service manual, schematics, etc. Also have various test equipment, HP spectrum analyzer, signal generators, etc.

I've been an electronic tech for most of my life (I'm 76 now). I'm lost on this one, hope I'm not lost in the forest through the trees. I'm looking for some ideas. I'm thinking starting with measuring sensitivities, find the detector output location?

Thanks in advance, Jim, k6nra

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