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OQRS and LoTW Mar 22nd 2018, 13:59 3 7,811 on 23/3/18

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Frequencies that should not be used.. KE0PIK on 27/3/18
Well, it's said that nobody owns a frequency and that is true except for 60 meters. There we are secondary. However it is just polite to recognize that certain nets have been around for a very long time on certain frequencies and we should yield to them as a matter of courtesy. This is becoming a problem of late on 40 and 80 meters with deliberate inerference by a few on long established net frequencies during net operations. Although they don't "own" the frequency courtesy is king and should be afforded.

14.332 is the YL System for example. A long running net, since 1973 I think. You can download a program called Netlogger which will tell you pretty much what nets are on and what frequencies they occupy at the time. Don't get too concerned over walking on them when you don't hear them. I frequent the YL System and many times someone will walk on top of the controller because they don't hear him or her. I may hear him +20 but he doesn't hear them nor do they hear him. That's when someone who does hear them will come on and inform them of the net. Done politely most ops just move on.

Enjoy the hobby and don't worry about the small stuff.
OQRS and LoTW KB2E on 23/3/18
I guess that about sums it up pretty well. My apologies for the rant.
OQRS and LoTW KB2E on 22/3/18
I hope this is the right place for this. I made a contact today and was very surprised when I read the persons QRZ page that it appears that one must use OQRS to obtain a QSL from this ham, INCLUDING a LoTW QSL.

Now I can see that a DX contact may need to have some help paying for postage and I have no problem with them asking. But requesting money for a LoTW QSL!?

ARRL should look into this sort of thing and suspend any LoTW account holder that is actually doing this and give them 30 days to correct the problem or lock their account until such time that it can be confirmed that they either no longer use LoTW or are uploading for free.

On top of paying you'd have to join yet another online service to even request a QSL from this guy. Before anyone asks why it is so important to get a QSL, I'll ask why is it such a problem for people that it is important for other people to get a QSL?

I guess part of what I'm trying to say here is that QSL's used to be a big part of the enjoyment of this hobby. Granted that costs have risen and it is cost prohibitive for some to mail cards, especially from and to Europe and Asia. So the advent of eQSL, LoTW, and others was welcomed. I guess it should have been expected that it would only be a matter of time before people started to try to cash in on them.

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