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Coax Length to Antenna Sep 27th 2020, 18:39 4 4,823 on 28/9/20

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Coax Length to Antenna AE0LC on 28/9/20
My intent is to operate 6-80 meters, potentially 160.  I am looking at a few verticals, since I am boxed in by trees and power lines.  I am still researching antennas, and I think I will go with the Yaesu FTDX 101D.  I am hoping to have enough $$ set aside by early spring to get started.

If I am forced to go closer, I may be forced into a vertical without ground radials, like at
Coax Length to Antenna AE0LC on 27/9/20
I am new to HAM, and I need help with the length of Coax I have planned to my preferred antenna field. My preferred antenna field is 175 coax feet from my new radio shack. Will I be able to remote my planned vertical antenna that far away?

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