Former Wisconsin Section Manager Roy A. Pedersen, K9FHI, passed away on December 3 from lung cancer. He was 84. Pedersen served as Section Manager from 1973-1984 and from 1996-1999. First licensed as KN9FHI in 1961, he loved camping and visiting hamfests and swapmeets around Wisconsin and going to meetings of the Wisconsin Nets Association to promote Amateur Radio and the ARRL. A QCWA member, Pedersen was active on many Wisconsin phone nets and served as a Net Control and traffic handler. He also served as Assistant Emergency Coordinator for the ARES® group in Dodge County, as well as an Official Relay Station, Official Emergency Station and ARRL Volunteer Examiner. Pedersen is survived by his wife Beryl, KA9BAC, and sons Gary, KA9BAE, and Michael, N9QMV. --
Information provided by former Wisconsin Section Manager Richard Regent, K9GDF