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International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend 2009

07/31/2009 More than 300 lighthouses in more than 51 countries -- from Argentina to Wales -- will be on the air for 2009 International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend (ILLW) organized by the Ayr Amateur Radio Group (AARG) in Scotland. The event, held for the 11th year in a row, takes place Saturday, August 15 0001 UTC-Sunday, August 16 2359 UTC. While not a contest, the ILLW is more of a QSO Party and Amateur Radio demonstration. The ILLW aims to raise public awareness of lighthouses and lightships and the need for their preservation and restoration, promote Amateur Radio and foster international goodwill. Stations at more than 40 US lights are expected to be on the air for the event, and several stations will identify with special event call signs. Participating lighthouse/lightship stations do not have to be inside the structure or on the vessel itself; a Field Day-type setup at or adjacent to the light is sufficient. More information about the event, including a registration form, is available on theĀ ILLW Web site.



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