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  • 05/11/2009 | ARRL Public Relations Committee Honors PIOs

    When the ARRL Public Relations Committee, led by Bill Morine, N2COP, met in April 2009, they discussed the recognizing those ARRL Public Information Officers (PIO) and Public Information Coordinators (PIC) whose actions are exemplary. From that meeting, T
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  • 02/25/2009 | EMCOMMWEST to Include ARRL Pacific Division Convention

    EMCOMMWEST 2009 -- an ARRL specialty convention devoted entirely to emergency communications -- will host this year's Pacific Division Convention (Pacificon) at the Circus Circus Hotel Resort in Reno, Nevada May 1-3.
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  • 01/22/2009 | ARRL to Unveil New Course for Public Information Officers

    With the many weather events and other newsworthy items of note in 2008, ARRL Media and Public Relations Manager Allen Pitts, W1AGP, said that it was evident around the US "that the expertise, motivational level and activities of individual Public In
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  • KansasARW

    06/24/2008 | Strong Support for Amateur Radio Week

    ARRL Field Day is many things to many people. It ranges from a contest to a picnic to an emergency drill and more. But according to ARRL Media and Public Relations Manager Allen Pitts, W1AGP, it is also a public relations event and groups can score more t
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