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    11/21/2011 | Logbook of The World: Backlog Is Clearing

    Logbook of The World (LoTW) is continuing to accept and process logs, including logs from this weekend’s ARRL November Phone Sweepstakes Contest. Currently, the processing delay is at 14 hours, down from 45 hours last week. As of November 21, there are ap
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    11/21/2011 | Annual CFC Campaign Is Underway

    For the past 10 years, the US Office of Personnel Management has designated the ARRL to participate in the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). In that time, this campaign for federal government civilian employees, US Postal Service workers and members of the
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    11/18/2011 | Delta Division Sees Leadership Change; Midwest, Atlantic Divisions Unchanged

    On November 18, ballots were counted in the races for Director in the Atlantic, Delta and Midwest Divisions. This year, there were only three contested races for Director or Vice Director in the five Divisions holding elections. In the Delta Division, Vic
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    11/16/2011 | ARRL Headquarters to Close for Thanksgiving Holidays

    ARRL Headquarters will be closed November 24 and 25 in observance of Thanksgiving. There will be no W1AW bulletins or code practice transmissions those days. The ARRL Letter will be published a day early on Wednesday, November 23, but there will be no ARR
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    11/15/2011 | LoTW Processing Times Improving

    Logbook of The World (LoTW) is continuing to accept and process logs. Currently, the processing delay is at 45 hours, down from 60 hours last week. As of November 15, there are 1.7 million QSOs waiting to be processed, a decrease of 40 percent -- more tha
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    11/14/2011 | Be a Star! Enter the Second Annual ARRL Video Contest

    If you’ve ever wanted a way to show the world how exciting Amateur Radio can be, here’s your chance: The ARRL is sponsoring its Second Annual Video Contest! Here’s a chance to put that video camera to use: Shoot a ham radio-related video and send it our w
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    11/09/2011 | David Kaplan, WA1OUI, Takes Over Administration of ARRL A-1 Operator Club

    The ARRL relies on a number of volunteers who give their time to help make the organization run smoothly. From Division Directors to Section Managers to Emergency Coordinators to tour guides at Headquarters and everyone in between, volunteers play an impo
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    11/04/2011 | Logbook of The World Still Busy Processing Logs

    The log processing delay for Logbook of The World (LoTW) remains at approximately 60 hours, with approximately 8000 logs queued for processing. Please do not upload the same log more than once. According to ARRL IT Manager Michael Keane, K1MK, the League
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