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  • 10/29/2008 | ARRL Files Petition with FCC against Experimental License Using 40 Meter Band

    On Monday, October 20, the ARRL filed a Petition for Modification or Cancellation of Experimental Authorization (Petition) with the FCC with respect to WE2XRH. According to the FCC, this experimental license -- issued to Digital Aurora R
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  • 10/25/2008 | Next Round of PAVE PAWS Mitigation Contacts Begins

    On Wednesday, October 22, the FCC notified the ARRL that they would immediately begin making direct contact with owners or trustees of approximately 40 repeaters. The US Air Force identified these repeaters earlier this year as contributors to the harmful
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  • 10/24/2008 | The K7RA Solar Update

    Visible sunspots continued last week for eight days straight, the longest continuous period of sunspot visibility since the 12 days of March 23April 3 last year. Sunspot numbers for October 16-22 were 24, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0 and 0 with a mean of 5. The 10.7 cm
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  • 10/23/2008 | Get Ready for the ARRL November CW Sweepstakes

    This year marks the 75th running of the premier domestic contest, the ARRL CW Sweepstakes. According to ARRL Contest Branch Manager Sean Kutzko, KX9X, the event started back in 1929 as a competition for handling formal traffic messages and is one of the o
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  • 10/23/2008 | Pension Protection Act Charitable Contribution Provision Extended Through December 31, 2009

    The ARRL Development Office notes that legislation was signed on October 3, 2008 in conjunction with the Economic Stimulus Bill of 2008 to include the immediate and retroactive extension of the popular charitable contribution provision of the Pension Prot
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  • W0GJ

    10/10/2008 | American Hams to Lead 2009 DXpedition to Desecheo Island

    The US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) has selected a group of hams led by veteran DXpeditioners Bob Allphin, K4UEE, and Glenn Johnson, W0GJ, to lead a DXpedition to Desecheo Island, KP5 (IOTA NA-095), in early 2009. Desecheo currently sits at number 7 on
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  • 10/10/2008 | Pennsylvania Becomes 27th State with PRB-1 Law on Books

    On Wednesday, October 8, Pennsylvania Governor Edward G. Rendell (D) signed into law a bill that guarantees radio amateurs the right to erect antenna support structures up to 65 feet without the need for a Special Use Permit. The bill passed in the House
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  • 10/10/2008 | Spectrum Defense: "More Work to Do"

    Defending and enhancing access to the Amateur Radio spectrum is the primary mission of the ARRL. According to ARRL Chief Executive Officer David Sumner, K1ZZ, the League has not only protected the bands, but has also added several new ones, despite expone
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