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Surfin': Do-It-Yourself Retro


The Steampunk Workshop is an unusual Web site. I would call it a Web site that features retro do-it-yourself projects (among other things), but your opinion may vary from mine.

Some of the projects -- although very interesting -- have little to do with radio, while some are somewhat related. For example, one project that caught my eye was to modify an old headset (the kind you may have used to listen to a crystal radio set) so that you could use it to listen to an iPod or your MP3 player of choice. Cool!

Another project that was more on point was to build a replica of a 19th century telegraph sounder. Step-by-step photos and videos profusely illustrate the project so that you can duplicate the project yourself. And if you have no desire to build the project, you will admire the effort put into documenting it.

The design of the whole Web site is beautiful and well worth perusing just to appreciate the work that its proprietor, Jake von Slatt, put into it. And during your perusal, I am positive that the projects the Web site features will amaze you as they did me.

Thank-you Norman Wald, W9VQ, for gifting me with this week's Web site.

Until next time, keep on surfin'!

Editor's note: Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU, wants a retro Ideal Electronic Fighter Jet for Christmas. To contact Stan, send him e-mail or add comments to his blog.


Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU
Contributing Editor



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