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Distance Records

VHF/UHF/SHF Distance Records

DX Records

Claimed North American Distance Records as of date shown. List maintained by Ned Stearns, AA7A. Send corrections and additions to"

North American Amateur Television (ATV) DX records are separately maintained by Tom O'Hara, W6ORG at

VHF + Distance Records by Band

View Distance Records here - Last updated 19  May 2023


Frequency bands include Micrometer Radio (300 to 3000 GHz) and Light (3 to 30,000 THz).

Propagation modes are tropospheric refraction and ducting (including line-of-sight paths), divided into in three categories: Tropo (A) (tropospheric modes across the Atlantic, Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico); Tropo (C) (tropospheric modes across continental North America; Tropo (P) (tropospheric modes across the Pacific); Aurora (auroral scatter); Auroral E (auroral E); Sporadic E (sporadic E); FAI (E-layer field-aligned irregularities; IFS (ionospheric forward scatter); Meteors (meteor scatter); TE (transequatorial field-aligned irregularities); and Rain scatter (precipitation scatter).

Distance calculations are based on the centers of 6-place grid locators, as calculated by BD (the W9IP bearing and distance program). Distances shorter than 100 km my be calculated using more precise methods.

Call signs are those used to make the contacts.

Send your claims to Ned Stearns, AA7A, 7038 E. Aster Dr., Scottsdale, AZ 85254 USA, or via e-mail to


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