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Antennas, feed lines, baluns and antenna tuners

This forum area is for discussions or Q&A related to antennas, feed lines, baluns, antenna tuners and antenna support structures, etc.

Topic Author Created Posts Views Activity
Open Installing Wire Antennas High Up KH6RE Jun 14th 2020, 11:31 2 5,110 on 15/6/20
by W1VT
Open Cast iron sewer vent as VHF/UHF mast sws626 Jun 10th 2020, 16:16 2 5,556 on 11/6/20
by W1VT
Open Best rooftop antenna? WA4VEG Apr 11th 2020, 12:33 2 5,228 on 13/4/20
by W1VT
Open Suggestion 80 Meter Antenna N8KDC Apr 1st 2020, 15:15 2 5,245 on 2/4/20
by W1VT
Open Ugly Balun Core Diameter: Does it matter? KG4UMB Mar 30th 2020, 14:21 2 5,289 on 30/3/20
by W1VT
Open feed line lengths n1naz Mar 29th 2020, 13:58 2 5,152 on 30/3/20
by W1VT
Open Inverted V Length Controversy. Feb 13th 2020, 12:38 2 5,148 on 13/2/20
by W1VT
Open Ideas for an Antenna in an Apartment with Aluminum Siding WA2FTV Feb 1st 2020, 14:48 2 5,979 on 8/4/20
by W8UA
Open FMJ antenna jimvw57 Jan 21st 2020, 15:48 2 5,450 on 25/1/20
by jimvw57
Open reflector under a dipole K4JPY Dec 26th 2019, 23:13 2 5,277 on 16/1/20
by K5XBP
Open ARRL EFHW kit on 80 meters? WA5MD Dec 12th 2022, 09:28 2 2,927 on 13/12/22
by W1VT
Open Building hand held Yagi for LEO satellites KM4NSV Jan 29th 2018, 12:25 2 6,776 on 1/2/18
by W1VT
Open Fire Danger From Random Wire in Trees K2RAS Nov 26th 2013, 00:30 2 6,363 on 15/1/15
by W7CK
Open Antenna spacing w9rog Apr 18th 2013, 04:27 2 5,526 on 18/4/13
Open 72 Ohm Jumper Okay? K2RFP May 31st 2013, 13:27 2 5,608 on 31/5/13
Open Will this work efficiently? Dhp9777@ Jun 3rd 2013, 15:31 2 5,933 on 3/6/13
by aa6e
Open Antenna spacing 0007103445H80 Apr 8th 2015, 23:35 2 5,799 on 9/4/15
by W1VT
Open antenna tuners with a TS-430 skidwayrph Mar 31st 2012, 00:20 2 9,645 on 2/4/12
by W1VT
Open A shortened dipole that will get by CCRs Joanie Jul 2nd 2013, 14:58 2 6,906 on 2/8/13
by xof7fox
Open Balun, current-voltage-choke ki515494 Feb 19th 2014, 15:41 2 5,706 on 20/2/14
by W1VT
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