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Antennas, feed lines, baluns and antenna tuners

This forum area is for discussions or Q&A related to antennas, feed lines, baluns, antenna tuners and antenna support structures, etc.

Topic Author Created Posts Views Activity
Open BASE LOADING E&H ANTENNA medaewyn Aug 22nd 2016, 04:31 1 4,901 on 22/8/16
by medaewyn
Open Polarization N8GB Dec 15th 2016, 20:52 1 4,904 on 15/12/16
by N8GB
Open wideband dipole for 75 and 80 meters N5WEB Jul 2nd 2020, 10:52 2 4,907 on 3/7/20
by W1VT
Open Strain Relief on Long Wire Antenna KN4YIL Oct 7th 2020, 08:14 3 4,908 on 7/10/20
Open Building satellite Cross-Yagi with gamma matches and phasing cable AC0ZJ Nov 17th 2020, 18:36 1 4,912 on 17/11/20
by AC0ZJ
Open Stupid question about braided shield K7RRD Oct 23rd 2021, 23:04 4 4,913 on 3/2/22
by K0WUQ
Open bonding two distant 8' copper grounding rods arrl2020 Aug 24th 2021, 13:57 2 4,930 on 25/8/21
by W1VT
Open Remote Antenna Tuner W2NM Jul 22nd 2021, 11:12 2 4,931 on 23/7/21
by W1VT
Open VHF and UHF at the same time K9YO Mar 5th 2021, 05:07 2 4,946 on 5/3/21
by W1VT
Open Antenna Insulation Dissipation Factor for Non-traditional Configurations N2FT May 24th 2021, 17:52 4 4,952 on 29/5/21
by W1VT
Open MFJ 1848 HEX BEAM Lgaley1975 Jul 9th 2021, 12:55 1 4,959 on 9/7/21
by Lgaley1975
Open Two antennas sharing a common mast ManeL Oct 21st 2020, 08:45 2 4,962 on 7/11/20
Open 2m antenna ground necessary? AB7RK Sep 10th 2020, 17:32 3 4,977 on 10/9/20
by AB7RK
Open Spiral Slot Antenna KD8SRQ Dec 31st 2020, 07:08 1 4,977 on 31/12/20
Open ZS6BKW build jimvw57 Dec 13th 2020, 23:05 5 4,987 on 30/12/20
by jimvw57
Open Availability of antenna installers w2ann Jun 4th 2015, 16:07 2 4,993 on 4/6/15
by W1VT
Open The ARRL Antenna Book CWStat Dec 8th 2015, 20:23 2 4,999 on 9/12/15
Open Searching the Antenna Book N8LL Jul 25th 2015, 01:34 2 5,001 on 25/7/15
by W1VT
Open Stacking 2-Meter j-pole with TV Yagi KB2GDZ Dec 10th 2016, 21:47 1 5,016 on 10/12/16
Open Antenna for Wouxun UV8D KC3FWP Sep 19th 2016, 15:50 1 5,023 on 19/9/16
Total Topics: 553 Increases Post Count: No Can Read Topics: Yes Can Create Topics: No
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