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Joined: Sat, Nov 26th 2011, 14:19 Roles: N/A Moderates: N/A

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WINLINK TNC Oct 2nd 2014, 04:42 2 7,834 on 3/10/14
ARES Forum Oct 2nd 2014, 04:21 1 6,211 on 2/10/14

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WINLINK TNC N2PHI on 2/10/14
We are using a KPC 3 Plus for our WINKLINK node. I was wondering if we wanted to add a HF node or upgrade our VHF node, what TNC would give me the best bang for my buck that would allow me to do not only winlink but other digital modes as well.
ARES Forum N2PHI on 2/10/14
You know what would be helpful, perhaps a forum topic for public safety or ARES to allow ARES members ask questions or EC or SEC to share idea's or seek advice from other EC's around the Country.

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