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I/Q (USB) Bandwidth on a icom 7200? Nov 18th 2014, 12:58 3 13,231 on 7/8/15
Browsing QST prior to 2012 Nov 15th 2014, 02:53 10 10,366 on 9/12/19

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Browsing QST prior to 2012 AC5ZX on 26/11/14
Quote by AA6E
The original ARRL CDROMs used poor (by modern standards) scans and they were packaged with ancient Windows software - 16 bit, I think. So it's rather difficult to use them with modern computers, and it would not make sense to distribute them today. They need to be redone with high quality scans, OCR, and a good archival format like PDF -- IMHO.

73 Martin AA6E

Some time ago I wrote some linux based software to display the CDROM pages. (It didn't have searching, since I didn't have the index format, but it worked well enough.)

OCR (where text is extracted from the original) is *not* what I am looking for. I want to see the pages as they were originally printed. These scans must currently exist. It is sad that on our centenial, members cannot access our history. (Not even at additional cost!)

If I sound a bit irritated, my apologies. I am hoping someone at HQ is reading this.
I/Q (USB) Bandwidth on a icom 7200? AC5ZX on 19/11/14
I stand corrected (by another forum). The 7200 apparently does not have a I/Q output over USB option. Perhaps they should!
I/Q (USB) Bandwidth on a icom 7200? AC5ZX on 18/11/14
I am familar with other SDR radios, and saw that the 7200 has I/Q available via USB (actually via the left/right channels of its sound card).
My question is how much bandwidth is available there?
(Videos of it with fldigi only display 3khz or so.)
Browsing QST prior to 2012 AC5ZX on 18/11/14
Years ago I purchased a cdrom from ARRL which contained the entire 1930-1939 of scanned QST. Other decades were available at the time, so the question isn't about cost of scanning -- that already exists at ARRL.

The CDROM's were searchable, but I could also just read them cover-to-cover.

For our annual membership fee we can search old QST's, but not browse/read full issues. Furthermore ARRL no longer sells those CDROM's! We seem to have lost access to most of our century of QST.

WRT cdrom's of more recent issues, yeah it does seem a bit pricey but at least its available, unlike older issues.
Browsing QST prior to 2012 AC5ZX on 15/11/14
On the centennial of QST, I find it troubling that there is no way to simply browse issues published prior to 2012. The only access is via 'searching', which only returns a page or two. Obviously the scanned issues exist, but ARRL apparently doesn't want to allow access to them. Why?

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