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Samsung Refrigerator Overload Mar 9th 2015, 01:11 5 10,836 on 27/12/17
Amplifier Tubes Mar 5th 2015, 15:34 8 9,739 on 5/4/15

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Samsung Refrigerator Overload W5RAA on 9/3/15
My vertical antenna is located about 30 feet from my new Samsung refrigerator. If I tune my amp to more than 100 watts, the refrigerator turns off and the control panel locks up. It must be a fundamental overload situation. I have to unplug it for 60 seconds to get it to come back. I've tried 4 toroids on the refer power cord with no improvement. Does anyone know how to EMI shield the electronics in a Samsung?
Amplifier Tubes W5RAA on 7/3/15
Thanks Dan, I'll pull them one at a time and see how power output is affected.

Amplifier Tubes W5RAA on 6/3/15
Thanks Dan, I'm familiar with Jan qualified devices and this is good advise. I'm still wondering if pulling one tube at a time in the Al-811 amp would cause any damage to it. For example, if I pull one tube and see no effect on output power, then I would know that the tube I pulled is defective.

Amplifier Tubes W5RAA on 5/3/15
One more this three 811A tube amp, if it's outputting roughly 2/3 of its rated power, is it safe to the amp to remove one tubes at a time to isolate if one of the tubes is weak, keeping in mind all of the safety considerations!
Amplifier Tubes W5RAA on 5/3/15
I have a several year old AL-811 amp. Using a dummy load and 30 watt CW input, the maximum power output I'm getting is anywhere from 200 watts on 10 and 12 meters, up to 400 watts on 160 through 20 meters. If I try to increase the exciter level, the grid current goes into the red region and I don't see much of an increase in output power. Does this mean that the 811A tubes may be getting soft? I believe that the MFG tuner power meter is fairly accurate because it shows my exciter output accurately.

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