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Hamfest/Convention Application Form

Use this electronic form to submit your Hamfest or Convention Application to your Division Director. Be sure you are familiar with and agree to the ARRL Hamfest/Convention Rules and Regulations before submitting your application. Please fill in all of the fields, then use the Submit button at the bottom to submit the form and send it to HQ for relay to your Director. After successful submission, your application will be e-mailed to you (using the email address you give below under "Person submitting this form") and displayed here.

Before scheduling a hamfest or convention, sponsors are encouraged to check the calendar so as to avoid conflicts with major religious holidays.

Event Description

Max characters allowed: 255

Max characters allowed: 255

Max characters allowed: 255

Max characters allowed: 255

(check all that apply)

Max characters allowed: 255

Max characters allowed: 255

Public Contact Person

Hamfest Chairman

no PO Box #s


Numbers only

Numbers only

Proposed disposition of any profit

Person submitting this form


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