This page will allow you to make your own instructor recognition certificate for your hours of volunteer teaching. A certificate will be created for the highest level of recognition that you have earned. When you click the "Generate Certificate" button below, the Web server will present you with an Adobe PDF file (about 400 kB) that contains the certificate. Use Adobe Acrobat Reader to print the pages on your printer.
Note: You may find that it works best if you download the certificate to your hard disk and open it separately in Acrobat Reader rather than just clicking the link to open the file in your Web browser. You'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader or equivalent to print the forms. Acrobat Reader is freely available on the Web.
Printing Hints:
- If possible, print at 200 DPI or more.
- Acrobat Reader's print dialog contains a check box reading "Fit to page." That check box should not be checked. If it is, the certificate will probably print too small.
- If your printer system asks you to choose the printing mode, you probably want to select the one used for printing color photos.