Lesson Resources
Learning Activities
Using Packet Findu Transmissions to do Tracking Calculations-
Here's an idea from fifth grade teacher, Nathan McCray, K9CPO, extracted from his email report about how he used Findu tracking to engage topics in math and social studies with his students.
"I had my fifth grade students take the Findu data from your trip and make some calculations with it. For example, we took plots throughout the day Friday (on the hour) and we figured out your average mile per hour, approximate gasoline used and how much it cost (used your stopped locations and did research on gas prices), average altitude and weather conditions. This is all mathematics that our fifth graders are working on so it connected really well with math and social studies (we are working on the 50 states.)
One interesting comment from a couple students when I first showed them I could track you: “Ewh, that is kind of creepy that we can track your friend.” “I wonder if our parents can do that.” That made my day. And, it opened up a pretty cool discussion on who can monitor what.
Here is an example of the snap shot of your location I took every few hours."
Workbooks for Amateur Radio Basics-
Beverly Matheson, WA6BK, teacher at Dorothy Grant Elementary School in
Fontana, California, and David Collingham, K3LP, the school’s radio club advisor,
have developed workbooks and labs for teaching elementary students ham
radio operating skills and radio basics.
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