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  • 12/18/2009 | Midwest VHF/UHF Society Frequency Measuring Test

    The Midwest VHF/UHF Society frequency measuring test will be held December 28 through 30. The MVUS Frequency Measuring Test is intended to supplement, not replace, the ARRL frequency measuring test. The test will begin at 1500 UTC on Monday, December 28 a
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  • 07/31/2009 | International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend 2009

    More than 300 lighthouses in more than 51 countries -- from Argentina to Wales -- will be on the air for 2009 International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend (ILLW) organized by the Ayr Amateur Radio Group ( Learn More

  • 05/15/2009 | The K7RA Solar Update

    After weeks of little or no sunspots, it is nice to have something to report: Following multiple false starts, quick-fading spots and knots of magnetic activity that never progressed into actual darkened sunspots, new sunspot group 1017 emerged on Wednesd
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  • 02/13/2009 | Get Ready for the 2009 ARRL International CW DX Contest

    The weekend of February 21-22 will be a busy one for CW operators as the 2009 ARRL International CW DX Contest takes center stage. First started in 1929 as the ARRL International Relay Party, the ARRL DX CW Contest is the longest running contest in Amateu
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  • 02/13/2009 | The K7RA Solar Update

    Sunspots returned this week, or rather, one did, but it is an old Solar Cycle 23 spot. Sunspot 1012 has been visible the last couple of days, February 11-12. It is down near the Sun's equator, typical for spots from a previous cycle. It's nice to have a s
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  • 02/06/2009 | North Dakota to Offer State QSO Party in March

    Stations working on their Triple Play Award or Year of the State QSO Party Award will want to be on the air on Saturday, March 21 as North Dakota -- always a rare state -- will hold their first QSO Party in 14 years.
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  • 02/02/2009 | Antarctic Station On the Air Until February 18

    KC4USV, the Amateur Radio station at McMurdo Station on Ross Island in Antarctica is now on the air. According to Bill Erhardt, K7MT, who is stationed at McMurdo, the station boast
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  • 01/21/2009 | David J. Strout Sr, W2YC, #1 Triple Play

    On Thursday, January 15, ARRL officials confirmed that David J. Strout Sr, W2YC, of Williamstown, New Jersey, is the recipient of the very first Triple Play Award. "Strout received the final needed confir
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